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If you want to render and publish your multilingual book or website with CI, you must render your project with render_book() or render_website(), respectively. Don’t use Quarto’s own render and publish steps. You can find more information about publishing with CI in the Quarto documentation.

Site URL

When you render a project in a CI context, you can set the URL of the publishing website in an environment variable (if different from the one in the configuration file, as a preview for instance). You can do that with the BABELQUARTO_CI_URL environment variable.

Steps for rendering

To render your project with CI, you need to follow these general steps:

  • Install the necessary dependencies including Quarto and R dependencies
  • Render you project using {babelquarto}’s render_book() or render_website() functions
  • Publish the rendered HTML (_site or _book folder) where you deploy your project (a GitHub pages branch, Netlify, etc.)


Here are two examples of how you could render a multilingual book with CI using GitHub Actions: