Creates the XML text for the `logger` tag with ID `treelog`. This section has these elements: “` <logger id="treelog.t:test_output_0" spec="Logger" fileName="my_treelog.trees" logEvery="345000" mode="tree" sanitiseHeaders="true" sort="smart"> # nolint indeed long <log id="TreeWithMetaDataLogger.t:test_output_0" spec="beast.evolution.tree.TreeWithMetaDataLogger" tree="@Tree.t:test_output_0"/> # nolint indeed long </logger> “`
Creates the XML text for the `logger` tag with ID `treelog`. This section has these elements: “` <logger id="treelog.t:test_output_0" spec="Logger" fileName="my_treelog.trees" logEvery="345000" mode="tree" sanitiseHeaders="true" sort="smart"> # nolint indeed long <log id="TreeWithMetaDataLogger.t:test_output_0" spec="beast.evolution.tree.TreeWithMetaDataLogger" tree="@Tree.t:test_output_0"/> # nolint indeed long </logger> “`
- inference_model
a Bayesian phylogenetic inference model. An inference model is the complete model setup in which a site model, clock model, tree prior and more are specified. Use create_inference_model to create an inference model. Use check_inference_model to check if an inference model is valid. Use rename_inference_model_filenames to rename the files in an inference model.