Pre-Download Google Storage template function
- url
A url giving the JSON bucket listings for a project. For example: lists the chromedriver files but is the JSON listings for the project.
- platform
A character vector of platform names
- history
The maximum number of files to get for a platform
- appname
Name of the app
- fileregex
A filter for files
- platformregex
A filter for platforms. Defaults to the platform names.
- versionregex
A regex for retrieving the version.
A named list of data.frames. The name indicates the
platform. The data.frame should contain the version, url and file
to be processed. Used as input for download_files
an equivalent.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
gsdata <- system.file("testdata", "test_googstor.json",
package = "binman"
platform <- c("linux64", "win32", "mac64")
gsdllist <- predl_google_storage(
url = gsdata, platform, history = 5L,
appname = "binman_chromedriver"
} # }