This function produces a summary of a bowerbird configuation in HTML or Rmarkdown format. If you are maintaining a data collection on behalf of other users, or even just for yourself, it may be useful to keep an up-to-date HTML summary of your repository in an accessible location. Users can refer to this summary to see which data are in the repository and some details about them.
file = tempfile(fileext = ".html"),
format = "html",
inc_license = TRUE,
inc_auth = TRUE,
inc_size = TRUE,
inc_access_function = TRUE,
inc_path = TRUE
- config
bb_config: a bowerbird configuration (as returned by
)- file
string: path to file to write summary to. A temporary file is used by default
- format
string: produce HTML ("html") or Rmarkdown ("Rmd") file?
- inc_license
logical: include each source's license and citation details?
- inc_auth
logical: include information about authentication for each data source (if applicable)?
- inc_size
logical: include each source's size (disk space) information?
- inc_access_function
logical: include each source's access function?
- inc_path
logical: include each source's local file path?
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
cf <- bb_config("/my/file/root") %>%
} # }