Working with CAMS solar data
Lukas Lundström
CAMS Radiation Service
The CAMS Radiation Service provides time series of global, direct, and diffuse irradiations on horizontal surface, and direct Irradiation on normal plane for the actual weather conditions as well as for clear-sky conditions. The data can be accessed manually on the CAMS Radiation Service site. The service is part of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).
- The geographical coverage is the field-of-view of the Meteosat satellite, roughly speaking Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean, Middle East (-66 to 66 degrees in both latitudes and longitudes).
- The time coverage of data is from 2004-02-01 up to 2 days ago. Data are available with a time step ranging from 15 min to 1 month. The service allows time steps of 1 min as well, these will be interpolated values from the 15 min time steps (accounting for changes in clear-sky conditions).
- The horizontal resolution is the original pixel of the Meteosat images, 3-5 km. The CAMS Radiation Service has currently (as of 2016-11-01) limited the amount of requests to 15 per day. This limit may evolve.
To access the CAMS Radiation Service you need to register at http://www.soda-pro.com/web-services/radiation/cams-radiation-service.
The email you use at the registration step will be used for
authentication, and need to be set with
# Authentication
cams_set_user("your@email.com") # An email registered at soda-pro.com
Retrieve hourly solar data
are convenience wrappers that
retrieves CAMS solar data straight into a R data frame. The example
bellow retrieves hourly radiation data for the location 60° latitude and
15° longitude for the period 2016-01-01 to 2016-01-15.
df <- cams_get_radiation(
lat=60, lng=15, # Latitude & longitude coordinates
date_begin="2016-07-01", date_end="2016-07-01", # Date range
time_step="PT01H") # Use hourly time step
As seen above the cams_get_radiation()
prints additional
information about the data, these can be suppressed by wrapping the call
with suppressMessages()
. Next the date frame is
The first column holds the timestamp information. It follows the convention of giving solar radiation as the sum during the previous hour. E.g. the timestamp of 14:00 shows the solar radiation during 13:00-14:00.
Advanced retrievals
To use other data formats and to save data to the disk we need to use
the cams_api()
. The example bellow writes daily solar
radiation in netCDF format to the disk. You need to have the
package installed.
filename <- paste0(tempfile(), ".nc")
r <- cams_api(
60, 15, "2016-06-01", "2016-07-1", # Latitude/longitude and date range
format="application/x-netcdf", # specifies output format as netCDF
time_step = "P01D", # daily sum is specified
# Access the on disk stored netCDF file
nc <- nc_open(filename)
# List names of available variables
# Create data.frame with datetime and global horizontal irradiation
df <- data.frame(
timestamp = as.POSIXct(nc$dim$time$vals, "UTC", origin="1970-01-01"),
GHI = ncvar_get(nc, "GHI"))
df$timestamp <- df$timestamp-3600*24 # shift timestamp 24 hours backwards
nc_close(nc) # close connection
# And plot it
plot(df, type="b", ylab="GHI, Wh/m2,day", xlab="2016")
Note that the timestamp follows the convention of giving
solar radiation as the sum during the previous time step. This is often
correct when working with hourly data. But when working with daily (or
monthly) data it is more common to have the timestamp at the
starting point of summation. The df$timestamp-3600*24
achieves this for daily data.
To get the data in csv or json format instead of netCDF, just change the format parameter to “application/csv” or “application/json” (and the filename extension to .csv or .json respectively).