Generate a fake dataset
- ...
columns to include. must be in the allowed set. See Allowed column names below. Three default columns are included (name, job, phone_number) if nothing is specified - but are overridden by any input.
- n
(integer) number of things to get, any non-negative integer
- locale
(character) the locale to use. options: only supported for data types that have locale support, See each data provider for details.
Allowed column names
name (default included)
job (default included)
phone_number (default included)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Oda Cruickshank-Schuppe Bookseller 761-908-2435
#> 2 Merton Dietrich-Jakubowski Hydrogeologist 645-192-9861
#> 3 Ken Kozey Commissioning editor 900-603-3854x32248
#> 4 Dr. Darwin Rolfson Radiographer, diagnostic (322)455-0803
#> 5 Jadyn Waelchi Professor Emeritus 982.986.6334x162
#> 6 Mr. Ronal Grady Theatre director 01103480259
#> 7 Lucien McClure I Civil engineer, contracting 934-076-4534
#> 8 Kasie Keebler-Kirlin Fast food restaurant manager (700)947-9167x054
#> 9 Ms. Elba Rau DVM Company secretary 800-848-6715
#> 10 Dr. Tabitha Bergstrom DDS Architectural technologist 586-276-7926
ch_generate(n = 1)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Fabiola Anderson Music therapist +99(4)0755655987
ch_generate(n = 100)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Kyree Rowe MD Insurance broker 06578705999
#> 2 Jacquelyn Lakin PhD Air cabin crew 769-729-8295
#> 3 Virgle Tromp-Bartoletti Biomedical scientist 1-399-229-1…
#> 4 Willa Leffler Ranger/warden 035-526-6439
#> 5 Antwan Monahan Psychologist, prison and probation serv… 1-251-301-6…
#> 6 Katherin Keeling Pensions consultant 630.029.555…
#> 7 Mrs. Rosemarie Fahey Psychologist, prison and probation serv… 632.603.563…
#> 8 Kaleena Ledner Horticulturist, commercial 1-519-095-1…
#> 9 Gina Lang Personnel officer 1-536-438-2…
#> 10 Zita Fisher Leisure centre manager 417.479.099…
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> job
#> <chr>
#> 1 Chartered legal executive (England and Wales)
#> 2 Comptroller
#> 3 Teacher, adult education
#> 4 Nurse, adult
#> 5 Engineer, chemical
#> 6 Surveyor, rural practice
#> 7 Commercial horticulturist
#> 8 Surgeon
#> 9 Freight forwarder
#> 10 Printmaker
ch_generate("job", "name")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#> job name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Agricultural consultant Kahlil O'Connell-Corkery
#> 2 General practice doctor Lewis Turner
#> 3 Ecologist Miss Jacquelyn Lindgren DVM
#> 4 Community development worker Mallorie Barrows
#> 5 Marine scientist Kadyn Lehner
#> 6 Air cabin crew Miss Adaline Lind DDS
#> 7 Geologist, engineering Mr. Alvie Hartmann DDS
#> 8 Early years teacher Mr. Bill Reichel I
#> 9 Editor, magazine features Halie Leannon
#> 10 Armed forces operational officer Leta Carroll
ch_generate("job", "color_name")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#> job color_name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Trade union research officer Tomato
#> 2 Facilities manager LavenderBlush
#> 3 Petroleum engineer PaleGreen
#> 4 Higher education lecturer PeachPuff
#> 5 Scientist, product/process development DarkCyan
#> 6 Amenity horticulturist DarkOrchid
#> 7 Banker Lime
#> 8 Textile designer GoldenRod
#> 9 Psychiatrist DarkSeaGreen
#> 10 Loss adjuster, chartered IndianRed
# locale
ch_generate(locale = "en_US")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Pernell Nicolas Psychologist, educational 657-172-4027
#> 2 Mr. Alferd Smitham Psychologist, sport and exercise 1-713-710-2697x9746
#> 3 Ethelyn Will Psychologist, occupational 116-420-6667
#> 4 Dot Hilpert MD Hospital pharmacist 1-307-837-6714x679
#> 5 Dr. Johannah Jast Administrator, local government +64(3)6563831430
#> 6 Jaylynn Eichmann Radiographer, therapeutic (450)883-2202x7885
#> 7 Kimberely Pfeffer Animator 917-487-0512x88662
#> 8 Griffith Bailey Sr. Education administrator 518-360-6569x16499
#> 9 Omer Stracke Industrial/product designer 451.754.4244x70054
#> 10 Jemal Price DDS Editor, commissioning 1-396-932-1687x778
ch_generate(locale = "fr_FR")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Aimé Hardy Chargé de veille législative et régleme… +33 (0)2 90…
#> 2 Antoinette Ollivier Guide de haute montagne 06 85 96 90…
#> 3 Luc Gimenez Technicien d'exploitation du réseau gaz +33 (0)2 16…
#> 4 Frédéric d'Mathiéu Concepteur 0349877638
#> 5 Étienne-Sébastien Sousa Chargé d'études en marketing +33 5 34 21…
#> 6 Catherine Sousa Consultant en validation 0551912759
#> 7 Éléonore Colin Formateur en informatique 0457215378
#> 8 Françoise Lesage Chargé de communication interne 04 59 34 54…
#> 9 Franck L'Potier Coordonnateur d'études cliniques +33 (0)1 38…
#> 10 Arnaude L'Launay Assistant en ressources humaines +33 8 93 99…
ch_generate(locale = "fr_CH")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Gabriel Beurret-Piccand Opticien CFC 056 238 18 …
#> 2 Manuel Grosjean Pâtissier-confiseur diplômé +41 73 201 …
#> 3 Ana Beuchat Technologue en textile CFC +41 30 306 …
#> 4 Corinne Martin Constructeur métallique, maître +41 (0)22 0…
#> 5 Marianne Boillat Technologue en production chimique et p… +41 87 615 …
#> 6 Jacqueline Besse Web Project Manager diplômé 0906 439 584
#> 7 Françoise Isella Aide en soins et accompagnement AFP 090 682 48 …
#> 8 Paul Muriset Photographe CFC 058 694 95 …
#> 9 Marcelle Quartier Employé en intendance AFP 078 079 00 …
#> 10 Loïc Bonvin Maçon CFC +41 70 822 …