Generate a fake dataset
- ...
columns to include. must be in the allowed set. See Allowed column names below. Three default columns are included (name, job, phone_number) if nothing is specified - but are overridden by any input.
- n
(integer) number of things to get, any non-negative integer
- locale
(character) the locale to use. options: only supported for data types that have locale support, See each data provider for details.
Allowed column names
name (default included)
job (default included)
phone_number (default included)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Chrystal Mitchell Education administrator (066)146-4004
#> 2 Dr. Gwendolyn Gleason MD Financial manager 1-368-816-926…
#> 3 Wilmer Kling Librarian, academic 403.301.5133x…
#> 4 Yetta Reilly Research scientist (life sciences) 821.272.6844x…
#> 5 Bernice Halvorson Medical sales representative 812-090-1803x…
#> 6 Ms. Tabitha Lakin MD Forest/woodland manager 1-595-507-371…
#> 7 Mrs. Mayra Bogisich Electronics engineer (671)676-0902
#> 8 Maren Schuster Development worker, international aid 071-793-2871x…
#> 9 Hasan Gaylord Chartered public finance accountant 215.386.1532x…
#> 10 Noel Mraz DDS Psychiatrist (043)158-2095…
ch_generate(n = 1)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Corean Simonis Corporate treasurer 433.600.5661x57388
ch_generate(n = 100)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Omar Ledner Company secretary (354)208-70…
#> 2 Carie Breitenberg Geneticist, molecular 1-977-931-8…
#> 3 Jovanny Wiza Purchasing manager 928.534.3025
#> 4 Ms. Leann Bergstrom PhD Operations geologist 1-332-240-1…
#> 5 Burney Bartell Presenter, broadcasting 842-806-390…
#> 6 Dr. Franklin Konopelski V Dispensing optician (278)611-64…
#> 7 Alex Miller PhD Publishing copy 1-850-762-1…
#> 8 Mr. Brittany Renner IV Museum/gallery conservator (874)262-06…
#> 9 Tristan Schmidt Conservation officer, historic buildi… +97(7)34739…
#> 10 Teela Bahringer Therapist, art 502.944.708…
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> job
#> <chr>
#> 1 Outdoor activities/education manager
#> 2 Radio broadcast assistant
#> 3 Research scientist (medical)
#> 4 Clinical scientist, histocompatibility and immunogenetics
#> 5 Engineer, technical sales
#> 6 Industrial/product designer
#> 7 Commercial/residential surveyor
#> 8 Commercial art gallery manager
#> 9 Community education officer
#> 10 Chiropodist
ch_generate("job", "name")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#> job name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Chemist, analytical Edison VonRueden-O'Connell
#> 2 Engineer, manufacturing Michael Kertzmann-Rau
#> 3 Engineer, broadcasting (operations) Kyree Corwin
#> 4 Artist Axel Skiles
#> 5 Counsellor Judge Little
#> 6 Barrister's clerk Willa Nitzsche
#> 7 Therapeutic radiographer Ms. Brigitte Maggio PhD
#> 8 Professor Emeritus Sibyl Muller
#> 9 Interpreter Clare Beier
#> 10 Television camera operator Mr. Garfield Sawayn PhD
ch_generate("job", "color_name")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#> job color_name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Teacher, early years/pre LightGreen
#> 2 Building control surveyor MediumSpringGreen
#> 3 Amenity horticulturist LightSteelBlue
#> 4 Financial planner GreenYellow
#> 5 Psychotherapist Teal
#> 6 Community pharmacist Chocolate
#> 7 Public relations account executive Violet
#> 8 Records manager DarkGoldenRod
#> 9 Ceramics designer PeachPuff
#> 10 Musician Aqua
# locale
ch_generate(locale = "en_US")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Dewayne Heller Geophysical data processor 00090724093
#> 2 Carrol Veum-Runolfsdottir Land/geomatics surveyor 1-454-662-9527x107
#> 3 Milford Wisoky Jr. Special effects artist +51(8)6661803650
#> 4 Ms. Audrianna Hauck Biomedical engineer 568-902-6037
#> 5 Stefan Robel Engineering geologist 074-736-1094x506
#> 6 Solon Graham-Bergnaum Manufacturing engineer +37(1)6940759022
#> 7 Kaci Erdman Barista 371.062.8192x10880
#> 8 Mr. Len Runolfsdottir Ophthalmologist (562)254-6182
#> 9 Dr. Shaquan Lakin Chartered management accountant (359)908-3441x9943
#> 10 Ishaan Grant General practice doctor 501-655-9195x3819
ch_generate(locale = "fr_FR")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Rémy-Timothée Louis Apiculteur 0844845011
#> 2 Catherine Humbert Podo-orthésiste 01 92 41 28 77
#> 3 Juliette Auger Auxiliaire de vie sociale 05 53 78 09 08
#> 4 Léon Dijoux Journaliste +33 2 56 58 66 48
#> 5 Guillaume L'Briand Technicien 0194446582
#> 6 Pénélope Dupre Cordonnier 0291999484
#> 7 Alexandre Schmitt Contrôleur technique automobile 04 26 61 20 43
#> 8 Dorothée Didier Conseiller en génétique +33 (0)2 03 60 52 87
#> 9 Marthe Leduc Pédiatre +33 (0)4 78 64 04 69
#> 10 Noël Roussél Chef de publicité +33 (0)1 90 70 79 51
ch_generate(locale = "fr_CH")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Nicole Bourquin Préparateur Humains avec brevet fédéral +41 49 523 …
#> 2 Daniel Besse-Robadey Chef d'entreprise diplomée en boulanger… 0900 396 429
#> 3 Marcel Chenaux Couturier avec brevet fédéral 0901 429 089
#> 4 René Pasquier Opticien en instruments de précision CFC 020 092 13 …
#> 5 Yvonne Jacot-Guillarmod Vannier créateur CFC 052 816 52 …
#> 6 Manon Chopard Vannier créateur CFC 0900 605 619
#> 7 Nolan Brandt Policier avec brevet fédéral 090 662 98 …
#> 8 Hugo Monnard Gouvernant de maison avec brevet fédéral +41 27 800 …
#> 9 Nathalie Bavaud Accompagnateur de randonnée avec brevet… +41 (0)88 2…
#> 10 Jean-Pierre Menthonnex Gestionnaire d'entreprise diplômé de la… +41 (0)57 3…