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Plot a wind rose showing the wind speed and direction for given facets using ggplot2.


  n_directions = 12,
  n_speeds = 5,
  speed_cuts = NA,
  col_pal = "GnBu",
  ggtheme = c("grey", "gray", "bw", "linedraw", "light", "minimal", "classic"),
  legend_title = "Wind Speed",
  calm_wind = 0,
  variable_wind = 990,
  n_col = 1,



numeric vector of wind speeds.


numeric vector of wind directions.


character or factor vector of the facets used to plot the various wind roses.


the number of direction bins to plot (petals on the rose). The number of directions defaults to 12.


the number of equally spaced wind speed bins to plot. This is used if speed_cuts is NA (default 5).


numeric vector containing the cut points for the wind speed intervals, or NA (default).


character string indicating the name of the RColorBrewer colour palette to be used for plotting, see 'Theme Selection' below.


character string (partially) matching the ggtheme to be used for plotting, see 'Theme Selection' below.


character string to be used for the legend title.


the direction of wind that is considered calm. Following convention of the National Weather Service, winds with a direction of 0 are considered calm by default.


numeric code for variable winds (if applicable).


The number of columns of plots (default 1).


further arguments passed to theme.


a ggplot object.


This is intended to be used as a stand-alone function for any wind dataset. A different wind rose is plotted for each level of the faceting variable which is coerced to a factor if necessary. The facets will generally be the station where the data were collected, seasons or dates. Currently only one faceting variable is allowed and is passed to facet_wrap with the formula ~facet.

Note that calm winds are excluded from the wind rose.

Theme Selection

For black and white wind roses that may be preferred if plots are to be used in journal articles for example, recommended ggthemes are 'bw', 'linedraw', 'minimal' or 'classic' and the col_pal should be 'Greys'. Otherwise, any of the sequential RColorBrewer colour palettes are recommended for colour plots.

See also

theme for more possible arguments to pass to windrose.


# Create some dummy wind data with predominant south to westerly winds, and
# occasional yet higher wind speeds from the NE (not too dissimilar to
# Auckland).

wind_df = data.frame(wind_speeds = c(rweibull(80, 2, 4), rweibull(20, 3, 9)),
                     wind_dirs = c(rnorm(80, 135, 55), rnorm(20, 315, 35)) %% 360,
                     station = rep(rep(c("Station A", "Station B"), 2),
                                   rep(c(40, 10), each = 2)))

# Plot a simple wind rose using all the defaults, ignoring any facet variable
with(wind_df, windrose(wind_speeds, wind_dirs))
#> Error in position_stack(reverse = TRUE): could not find function "position_stack"

# Create custom speed bins, add a legend title, and change to a B&W theme
with(wind_df, windrose(wind_speeds, wind_dirs,
                       speed_cuts = c(3, 6, 9, 12),
                       legend_title = "Wind Speed\n(m/s)",
                       legend.title.align = .5,
                       ggtheme = "bw",
                       col_pal = "Greys"))
#> Error in position_stack(reverse = TRUE): could not find function "position_stack"

# Note that underscore-separated arguments come from the windrose method, and
# period-separated arguments come from ggplot2::theme().

# Include a facet variable with one level
with(wind_df, windrose(wind_speeds, wind_dirs, "Artificial Auckland Wind"))
#> Error in position_stack(reverse = TRUE): could not find function "position_stack"

# Plot a windrose for each level of the facet variable (each station)
with(wind_df, windrose(wind_speeds, wind_dirs, station, n_col = 2))
#> Error in position_stack(reverse = TRUE): could not find function "position_stack"

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Save the plot as a png to the current working directory
} # }