A list of commercially available products in Canada and the United States that contain the drug.
a tibble with 32 variables:
- name
The proprietary name(s) provided by the manufacturer for any commercially available products containing this drug.
- labeller
The corporation responsible for labelling this product.
- ndc-id
The National Drug Code (NDC) identifier of the drug
- ndc-product-code
The National Drug Code (NDC) product code from the FDA National Drug Code directory.
- dpd-id
Drug Product Database (DPD) identification number (a.k.a. DIN) from the Canadian Drug Product Database. Only present for drugs that are marketed in Canada
- ema-product-code
EMA product code from the European Medicines Agency Database. Only present for products that are authorized by central procedure for marketing in the European Union.
- ema-ma-number
EMA marketing authorization number from the European Medicines Agency Database. Only present for products that are authorized by central procedure for marketing in the European Union.
- started-marketing-on
The starting date for market approval.
- ended-marketing-on
The ending date for market approval.
- dosage-form
The pharmaceutical formulation by which the drug is introduced into the body.
- strength
The amount of active drug ingredient provided in the dosage
- route
The path by which the drug or product is taken into the body
- fda-application-number
The New Drug Application [NDA] number assigned to this drug by the FDA.
- over-the-counter
A list of Over The Counter (OTC) forms of the drug.
- generic
Whether this product is a generic drug.
- approved
Indicates whether this drug has been approved by the regulating government.
- country
The country where this commercially available drug has been approved.
- source
Source of this product information. For example, a value of DPD indicates this information was retrieved from the Canadian Drug Product Database.
- standing
One of good, discordant, or deprecated. Distinguishes products with up to date ingredient information (good) from products with conflicting information (discordant) or products that have been removed from an active label (deprecated).
- standing-updated-on
The date on which the standing was last updated
- standing-reason
Explains the non-good standing of the product. One of: ingredient_change, code_duplication, invalid, or removed.
- jurisdiction-marketing-category
The marketing category of this product in its jurisdiction
- branded
Whether this product has a named brand
- prescription
Whether this product is only available with a prescription
- unapproved
Whether this product is not approved in its jurisdiction
- vaccine
Whether this product is a vaccine
- allergenic
Whether this product is used in allergenic testing
- cosmetic
Whether this product is a cosmetic, such as sunscreen
- kit
Whether this product is a kit composed of multiple distinct parts
- solo
Whether this product has only a single active ingredient
- available
Whether this product can be sold in its jurisdiction
- drugbank_id
drugbank id