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For internal use only. The only reason this function is exported is to set up parallel socket (PSOCK) clusters without too much fuss.


do_prework(config, verbose_packages)



A configured workflow from drake_config().


logical, whether to print package startup messages


Inivisibly returns NULL.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
isolate_example("Quarantine side effects.", {
if (suppressWarnings(require("knitr"))) {
load_mtcars_example() # Get the code with drake_example("mtcars").
# Create a main internal configuration list with prework.
con <- drake_config(my_plan, prework = c("library(knitr)", "x <- 1"))
# Do the prework. Usually done at the beginning of `make()`,
# and for distributed computing backends like "future_lapply",
# right before each target is built.
do_prework(config = con, verbose_packages = TRUE)
# The `eval` element is the environment where the prework
# and the commands in your workflow plan data frame are executed.
identical(con$eval$x, 1) # Should be TRUE.
} # }