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You supply a plan, and drake_plan_source() supplies code to generate that plan. If you have the prettycode package, installed, you also get nice syntax highlighting in the console when you print it.





A workflow plan data frame (see drake_plan())


a character vector of lines of text. This text is a call to drake_plan() that produces the plan you provide.

See also


plan <- drake::drake_plan(
  small_data = download_data(""),
  large_data_raw = target(
    command = download_data(""),
    trigger = trigger(
      change = time_last_modified(""),
      command = FALSE,
      depend = FALSE
    timeout = 1e3
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   target         command                                   trigger       timeout
#>   <chr>          <expr_lst>                                <expr_lst>      <dbl>
#> 1 small_data     download_data("") NA          …      NA
#> 2 large_data_raw download_data("") trigger(chan…    1000
if (requireNamespace("styler", quietly = TRUE)) {
  source <- drake_plan_source(plan)
  print(source) # Install the prettycode package for syntax highlighting.
  file <- tempfile() # Path to an R script to contain the drake_plan() call.
  writeLines(source, file) # Save the code to an R script.
#> drake_plan(
#>   small_data = download_data(""),
#>   large_data_raw = target(
#>     command = download_data(""),
#>     trigger = trigger(
#>       change = time_last_modified(""),
#>       command = FALSE,
#>       depend = FALSE
#>     ),
#>     timeout = 1000
#>   )
#> )