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Changes the default values of function arguments.


dct_options(reset = FALSE, ...)



Logical vector of length 1; if TRUE, reset all options to their default values.


Any number of argument = value pairs, where the left side is the name of the argument and the right side is its value. See Details and Examples.


Nothing; used for its side-effect.


Use this to change the default values of function arguments. That way, you don't have to type the same thing each time you call a function.

The arguments that can be set with this function are as follows:

Validation arguments

  • check_col_names: Logical vector of length 1; should all column names be required to be a valid DwC term? Default TRUE.

  • check_mapping_accepted_status: Logical vector of length 1; should rules about mapping of variants and synonyms be enforced? Default FALSE. (See dct_validate()).

  • check_mapping_accepted: Logical vector of length 1; should all values of acceptedNameUsageID be required to map to the taxonID of an existing name? Default TRUE.

  • check_mapping_original: Logical vector of length 1; should all values of originalNameUsageID be required to map to the taxonID of an existing name? Default TRUE.

  • check_mapping_parent: Logical vector of length 1; should all values of parentNameUsageID be required to map to the taxonID of an existing name? Default TRUE.

  • check_mapping_parent_accepted: Logical vector of length 1; should all values of parentNameUsageID be required to map to the taxonID of an accepted name? Default FALSE.

  • check_sci_name: Logical vector of length 1; should all instances of scientificName be required to be non-missing and unique? Default TRUE.

  • check_status_diff: Logical vector of length 1; should each scientific name be allowed to have only one taxonomic status? Default FALSE.

  • check_tax_status: Logical vector of length 1; should all taxonomic names be required to have a valid value for taxonomic status (by default, "accepted", "synonym", or "variant")? Default TRUE.

  • check_taxon_id: Logical vector of length 1; should all instances of taxonID be required to be non-missing and unique? Default TRUE.

  • extra_cols: Character vector; names of columns that should be allowed beyond those defined by the DwC taxon standard. Default NULL. Providing column name(s) that are valid DwC taxon column(s) has no effect.

  • on_fail: Character vector of length 1, either "error" or "summary". Describes what to do if the check fails. Default "error".

  • on_success: Character vector of length 1, either "logical" or "data". Describes what to do if the check passes. Default "data".

  • skip_missing_cols: Logical vector of length 1; should checks be silently skipped if any of the columns they inspect are missing? Default FALSE.

  • valid_tax_status: Character vector of length 1; valid values for taxonomicStatus. Each value must be separated by a comma. Default accepted, synonym, variant, NA. "NA" indicates that missing (NA) values are valid. Case-sensitive.

Editing arguments

  • clear_usage_id: Logical vector of length 1; should acceptedNameUsageID of the selected row be set to NA if the word "accepted" is detected in tax_status (not case-sensitive)? Default TRUE.

  • clear_usage_name: Logical vector of length 1; should acceptedNameUsage of the selected row be set to NA if the word "accepted" is detected in tax_status (not case-sensitive)? Default TRUE.

  • fill_taxon_id: Logical vector of length 1; if taxon_id is not provided, should values in the taxonID column be filled in by generating them automatically from the scientificName? If the taxonID column does not yet exist it will be created. Default TRUE.

  • fill_usage_id: Logical vector of length 1; if usage_id is not provided, should values in the acceptedNameUsageID column be filled in by matching acceptedNameUsage to scientificName? If the acceptedNameUsageID column does not yet exist it will be created. Default TRUE.

  • fill_usage_name: Logical vector of length 1; should the acceptedNameUsage of the selected row be set to the scientificName corresponding to its acceptedNameUsageID? Default TRUE.

  • remap_names: Logical vector of length 1; should the acceptedNameUsageID be updated (remapped) for rows with the same acceptedNameUsageID as the taxonID of the row to be modified? Default TRUE.

  • remap_parent: Logical vector of length 1; should the parentNameUsageID be updated (remapped) to that of its accepted name if it is a synonym? Will also apply to any other rows with the same parentNameUsageID as the taxonID of the row to be modified. Default TRUE.

  • remap_variant: Same as remap_names, but applies specifically to rows with taxonomicStatus of "variant". Default FALSE.

  • stamp_modified: Logical vector of length 1; should the modified column of any newly created or modified row include a timestamp with the date and time of its creation/modification? If the modified column does not yet exist it will be created. Default TRUE.

  • stamp_modified_by: Logical vector of length 1; should the modifiedBy column of any newly created or modified row include the name of the current user? If the modifiedBy column does not yet exist it will be created; note that this is a non-DWC standard column, so "modifiedBy" is required in extra_cols. The current user can be specified with the user_name option. Default FALSE.

  • stamp_modified_by_id: Logical vector of length 1; should the modifiedByID column of any newly created or modified row include the ID of the current user? If the modifiedByID column does not yet exist it will be created; note that this is a non-DWC standard column, so "modifiedByID" is required in extra_cols. The current user ID can be specified with the user_id option. Default FALSE.

  • taxon_id_length: Numeric vector of length 1; how many characters should be included in automatically generated values of taxonID? Must be between 1 and 32, inclusive. Default 32.

General arguments

  • quiet: Logical vector of length 1; should warnings be silenced? Default FALSE.

  • strict: Logical vector of length 1; should taxonomic checks be run on the updated taxonomic database? Default FALSE.

  • user_name: Character vector of length 1; the name of the current user. Default "".

  • user_id: Character vector of length 1; the ID of the current user. Default "".


# Show all options
#> $check_taxon_id
#> [1] TRUE
#> $check_tax_status
#> [1] TRUE
#> $check_mapping_accepted
#> [1] TRUE
#> $check_mapping_parent
#> [1] TRUE
#> $check_mapping_parent_accepted
#> [1] FALSE
#> $check_mapping_original
#> [1] TRUE
#> $check_mapping_accepted_status
#> [1] FALSE
#> $check_sci_name
#> [1] TRUE
#> $check_status_diff
#> [1] FALSE
#> $check_col_names
#> [1] TRUE
#> $valid_tax_status
#> [1] "accepted, synonym, variant, NA"
#> $extra_cols
#> $skip_missing_cols
#> [1] FALSE
#> $on_success
#> [1] "data"
#> $on_fail
#> [1] "error"
#> $fill_taxon_id
#> [1] TRUE
#> $fill_usage_id
#> [1] TRUE
#> $taxon_id_length
#> [1] 32
#> $clear_usage_id
#> [1] TRUE
#> $clear_usage_name
#> [1] TRUE
#> $fill_usage_name
#> [1] TRUE
#> $remap_names
#> [1] TRUE
#> $remap_parent
#> [1] TRUE
#> $remap_variant
#> [1] FALSE
#> $stamp_modified
#> [1] TRUE
#> $stamp_modified_by
#> [1] FALSE
#> $stamp_modified_by_id
#> [1] FALSE
#> $strict
#> [1] FALSE
#> $quiet
#> [1] FALSE
#> $user_name
#> [1] ""
#> $user_id
#> [1] ""

# Store existing settings, including any changes made by the user
old_settings <- dct_options()

# View one option
#> [1] "accepted, synonym, variant, NA"

# Change one option
dct_options(valid_tax_status = "accepted, weird, whatever")
#> [1] "accepted, weird, whatever"

# Reset to default values
dct_options(reset = TRUE)
#> [1] "accepted, synonym, variant, NA"

# Multiple options may also be set at once
dct_options(check_taxon_id = FALSE, check_status_diff = TRUE)

# Reset options to those before this example was run, old_settings)