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A table of valid Darwin Core terms. Only terms in the Taxon class or at the record-level are included.




Dataframe (tibble), including two columns:

  • group: Darwin Core term group; either "taxon" (terms in the Taxon class) or "record-level" (terms that are generic in that they might apply to any type of record in a dataset.)

  • term: Darwin Core term

with two additional attributes:

  • retrieved: Date the terms were obtained

  • url: URL from which the terms were obtained


Modified from data downloaded from TDWG Darwin Core under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.


#> # A tibble: 47 × 2
#>    group term               
#>  * <chr> <chr>              
#>  1 taxon taxonID            
#>  2 taxon scientificNameID   
#>  3 taxon acceptedNameUsageID
#>  4 taxon parentNameUsageID  
#>  5 taxon originalNameUsageID
#>  6 taxon nameAccordingToID  
#>  7 taxon namePublishedInID  
#>  8 taxon taxonConceptID     
#>  9 taxon scientificName     
#> 10 taxon acceptedNameUsage  
#> # ℹ 37 more rows