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Full text search of Elasticsearch with URI search


  index = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  q = NULL,
  df = NULL,
  analyzer = NULL,
  default_operator = NULL,
  explain = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  fields = NULL,
  sort = NULL,
  track_scores = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  terminate_after = NULL,
  from = NULL,
  size = NULL,
  search_type = NULL,
  lowercase_expanded_terms = NULL,
  analyze_wildcard = NULL,
  version = NULL,
  lenient = NULL,
  raw = FALSE,
  asdf = FALSE,
  track_total_hits = TRUE,
  search_path = "_search",
  stream_opts = list(),
  ignore_unavailable = FALSE,



an Elasticsearch connection object, see connect


Index name, one or more


Document type. Note that type is deprecated in Elasticsearch v7 and greater, and removed in Elasticsearch v8. We will strive to support types for folks using older ES versions


The query string (maps to the query_string query, see Query String Query for more details). See for documentation and examples.


(character) The default field to use when no field prefix is defined within the query.


(character) The analyzer name to be used when analyzing the query string.


(character) The default operator to be used, can be AND or OR. Default: OR


(logical) For each hit, contain an explanation of how scoring of the hits was computed. Default: FALSE


(logical) Set to FALSE to disable retrieval of the _source field. You can also retrieve part of the document by using _source_include & _source_exclude (see the body documentation for more details). You can also include a comma-delimited string of fields from the source document that you want back. See also the fields parameter


(character) The selective stored fields of the document to return for each hit. Not specifying any value will cause no fields to return. Note that in Elasticsearch v5 and greater, fields parameter has changed to stored_fields, which is not on by default. You can however, pass fields to source parameter


(character) Sorting to perform. Can either be in the form of fieldName, or fieldName:asc/fieldName:desc. The fieldName can either be an actual field within the document, or the special _score name to indicate sorting based on scores. There can be several sort parameters (order is important).


(logical) When sorting, set to TRUE in order to still track scores and return them as part of each hit.


(numeric) A search timeout, bounding the search request to be executed within the specified time value and bail with the hits accumulated up to that point when expired. Default: no timeout.


(numeric) The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early. If set, the response will have a boolean field terminated_early to indicate whether the query execution has actually terminated_early. Default: no terminate_after


(character) The starting from index of the hits to return. Pass in as a character string to avoid problems with large number conversion to scientific notation. Default: 0


(character) The number of hits to return. Pass in as a character string to avoid problems with large number conversion to scientific notation. Default: 10. The default maximum is 10,000 - however, you can change this default maximum by changing the index.max_result_window index level parameter.


(character) The type of the search operation to perform. Can be query_then_fetch (default) or dfs_query_then_fetch. Types scan and count are deprecated. See Elasticsearch docs for more details on the different types of search that can be performed.


(logical) Should terms be automatically lowercased or not. Default: TRUE.


(logical) Should wildcard and prefix queries be analyzed or not. Default: FALSE.


(logical) Print the document version with each document.


(logical) If TRUE will cause format based failures (like providing text to a numeric field) to be ignored. Default: NULL


(logical) If FALSE (default), data is parsed to list. If TRUE, then raw JSON returned


(logical) If TRUE, use fromJSON to parse JSON directly to a data.frame. If FALSE (Default), list output is given.


(logical, numeric) If TRUE will always track the number of hits that match the query accurately. If FALSE will count documents accurately up to 10000 documents. If is.integer will count documents accurately up to the number. Default: TRUE


(character) The path to use for searching. Default to _search, but in some cases you may already have that in the base url set using connect(), in which case you can set this to NULL


(list) A list of options passed to stream_out - Except that you can't pass x as that's the data that's streamed out, and pass a file path instead of a connection to con. pagesize param doesn't do much as that's more or less controlled by paging with ES.


(logical) What to do if an specified index name doesn't exist. If set to TRUE then those indices are ignored.


Curl args passed on to verb-POST


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# connection setup
(x <- connect())

# URI string queries
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare")
## if you're using an older ES version, you may have types
if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 700) {
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", type="act")
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", type="scene")
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", type="line")

## Return certain fields
if (gsub("\\.", "", ping()$version$number) < 500) {
  ### ES < v5
  Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", fields=c('play_name','speaker'))
} else {
  ### ES > v5
  Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", source=c('play_name','speaker'))

## Search many indices
Search_uri(x, index = "gbif")$hits$total$value
Search_uri(x, index = "shakespeare")$hits$total$value
Search_uri(x, index = c("gbif", "shakespeare"))$hits$total$value

## search_type
## NOTE: If you're in ES V5 or greater, see \code{?fielddata}
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", search_type = "query_then_fetch")
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", search_type = "dfs_query_then_fetch")
# Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", search_type = "scan") # only when scrolling

## sorting
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", sort="text_entry")
if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
  Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", sort="speaker:desc", fields='speaker')
  Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", sort=c("speaker:desc","play_name:asc"),

## pagination
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", size=1)$hits$hits
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", size=1, from=1)$hits$hits

## queries
### Search in all fields
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="york")

### Searchin specific fields
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="speaker:KING HENRY IV")$hits$total$value

### Exact phrase search by wrapping in quotes
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q='speaker:"KING HENRY IV"')$hits$total$value

### can specify operators between multiple words parenthetically
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="speaker:(HENRY OR ARCHBISHOP)")$hits$total$value

### where the field line_number has no value (or is missing)
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="_missing_:line_number")$hits$total$value

### where the field line_number has any non-null value
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="_exists_:line_number")$hits$total$value

### wildcards, either * or ?
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="*ay")$hits$total$value
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="m?y")$hits$total$value

### regular expressions, wrapped in forward slashes
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:/[a-z]/")$hits$total$value

### fuzziness
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:ma~")$hits$total$value
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:the~2")$hits$total$value
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:the~1")$hits$total$value

### Proximity searches
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q='text_entry:"as hath"~5')$hits$total$value
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q='text_entry:"as hath"~10')$hits$total$value

### Ranges, here where line_id value is between 10 and 20
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="line_id:[10 TO 20]")$hits$total$value

### Grouping
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", q="(hath OR as) AND the")$hits$total$value

# Limit number of hits returned with the size parameter
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", size=1)

# Give explanation of search in result
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", size=1, explain=TRUE)

## terminate query after x documents found
## setting to 1 gives back one document for each shard
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", terminate_after=1)
## or set to other number
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", terminate_after=2)

## Get version number for each document
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", version=TRUE, size=2)

## Get raw data
Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", raw=TRUE)

## Curl options
### verbose
out <- Search_uri(x, index="shakespeare", verbose = TRUE)
} # }