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The check_location() function subsets rows of data, retaining rows that have locations outside of the US. The function is written to work with data from Qualtrics surveys.


  id_col = "ResponseId",
  location_col = c("LocationLatitude", "LocationLongitude"),
  rename = TRUE,
  include_na = FALSE,
  keep = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  print = TRUE



Data frame (preferably imported from Qualtrics using {qualtRics}).


Column name for unique row ID (e.g., participant).


Two element vector specifying columns for latitude and longitude (in that order).


Logical indicating whether to rename columns (using rename_columns())


Logical indicating whether to include rows with NA in latitude and longitude columns in the output list of potentially excluded data.


Logical indicating whether to keep or remove exclusion column.


Logical indicating whether to print message to console.


Logical indicating whether to print returned tibble to console.


The output is a data frame of the rows that are located outside of the US and (if include_na == FALSE) rows with no location information. For a function that marks these rows, use mark_location(). For a function that excludes these rows, use exclude_location().


To record this information in your Qualtrics survey, you must ensure that Anonymize responses is disabled.

Default column names are set based on output from the qualtRics::fetch_survey(). The function only works for the United States. It uses the #' maps::map.where() to determine if latitude and longitude are inside the US.

The function outputs to console a message about the number of rows with locations outside of the US.

See also

Other location functions: exclude_location(), mark_location()

Other check functions: check_duplicates(), check_duration(), check_ip(), check_preview(), check_progress(), check_resolution()


# Check for locations outside of the US
#>  1 out of 100 rows had no information on location.
#>  5 out of 100 rows were located outside of the US.
#>             StartDate             EndDate     Status    IPAddress Progress
#> 1 2020-12-11 12:55:35 2020-12-11 12:59:24 IP Address      100
#> 2 2020-12-17 15:40:46 2020-12-17 15:45:20 IP Address      100
#> 3 2020-12-17 15:41:54 2020-12-17 15:47:24 IP Address      100
#> 4 2020-12-17 15:44:30 2020-12-17 15:47:57 IP Address      100
#> 5 2020-12-17 15:40:52 2020-12-17 15:49:08 IP Address      100
#> 6 2020-12-17 15:49:42 2020-12-17 15:51:50 IP Address        5
#>   Duration (in seconds) Finished        RecordedDate        ResponseId
#> 1                   296     TRUE 2020-12-11 12:59:24 R_Y27gVhACEH3aUUE
#> 2                   341     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:45:21 R_RCLqTKWdIen8A1Z
#> 3                   380     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:47:24 R_9bLdiaLyyfUlM7q
#> 4                   339     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:47:58 R_hEJfTQuUySzm9Ef
#> 5                   234     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:49:09 R_M8PpmDiJ7vXS9vO
#> 6                   307    FALSE 2020-12-17 15:51:50 R_HFKclPO5wWGNsFs
#>   LocationLatitude LocationLongitude UserLanguage       Browser       Version
#> 1         40.69746         -74.02277           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 2         42.25303         -71.00212           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 3               NA                NA           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 4         40.71187         -74.00837           EN Chrome iPhone  87.0.4280.77
#> 5         40.70961         -74.01063           EN        Chrome 87.0.4280.109
#> 6         29.29882         -81.04289           EN       Firefox          81.0
#>         Operating System Resolution
#> 1        Windows NT 10.0   1440x900
#> 2        Windows NT 10.0  1920x1080
#> 3        Windows NT 10.0   1536x864
#> 4                 iPhone    375x667
#> 5 CrOS x86_64 13505.73.0   1366x768
#> 6        Windows NT 10.0   1366x768

# Remove preview data first
qualtrics_text %>%
  exclude_preview() %>%
#>  2 out of 100 preview rows were excluded, leaving 98 rows.
#>  1 out of 98 rows had no information on location.
#>  5 out of 98 rows were located outside of the US.
#>             StartDate             EndDate     Status    IPAddress Progress
#> 1 2020-12-11 12:55:35 2020-12-11 12:59:24 IP Address      100
#> 2 2020-12-17 15:40:46 2020-12-17 15:45:20 IP Address      100
#> 3 2020-12-17 15:41:54 2020-12-17 15:47:24 IP Address      100
#> 4 2020-12-17 15:44:30 2020-12-17 15:47:57 IP Address      100
#> 5 2020-12-17 15:40:52 2020-12-17 15:49:08 IP Address      100
#> 6 2020-12-17 15:49:42 2020-12-17 15:51:50 IP Address        5
#>   Duration (in seconds) Finished        RecordedDate        ResponseId
#> 1                   296     TRUE 2020-12-11 12:59:24 R_Y27gVhACEH3aUUE
#> 2                   341     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:45:21 R_RCLqTKWdIen8A1Z
#> 3                   380     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:47:24 R_9bLdiaLyyfUlM7q
#> 4                   339     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:47:58 R_hEJfTQuUySzm9Ef
#> 5                   234     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:49:09 R_M8PpmDiJ7vXS9vO
#> 6                   307    FALSE 2020-12-17 15:51:50 R_HFKclPO5wWGNsFs
#>   LocationLatitude LocationLongitude UserLanguage       Browser       Version
#> 1         40.69746         -74.02277           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 2         42.25303         -71.00212           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 3               NA                NA           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 4         40.71187         -74.00837           EN Chrome iPhone  87.0.4280.77
#> 5         40.70961         -74.01063           EN        Chrome 87.0.4280.109
#> 6         29.29882         -81.04289           EN       Firefox          81.0
#>         Operating System Resolution
#> 1        Windows NT 10.0   1440x900
#> 2        Windows NT 10.0  1920x1080
#> 3        Windows NT 10.0   1536x864
#> 4                 iPhone    375x667
#> 5 CrOS x86_64 13505.73.0   1366x768
#> 6        Windows NT 10.0   1366x768

# Do not print rows to console
qualtrics_text %>%
  exclude_preview() %>%
  check_location(print = FALSE)
#>  2 out of 100 preview rows were excluded, leaving 98 rows.
#>  1 out of 98 rows had no information on location.
#>  5 out of 98 rows were located outside of the US.

# Do not print message to console
qualtrics_text %>%
  exclude_preview() %>%
  check_location(quiet = TRUE)
#>  2 out of 100 preview rows were excluded, leaving 98 rows.
#>             StartDate             EndDate     Status    IPAddress Progress
#> 1 2020-12-11 12:55:35 2020-12-11 12:59:24 IP Address      100
#> 2 2020-12-17 15:40:46 2020-12-17 15:45:20 IP Address      100
#> 3 2020-12-17 15:41:54 2020-12-17 15:47:24 IP Address      100
#> 4 2020-12-17 15:44:30 2020-12-17 15:47:57 IP Address      100
#> 5 2020-12-17 15:40:52 2020-12-17 15:49:08 IP Address      100
#> 6 2020-12-17 15:49:42 2020-12-17 15:51:50 IP Address        5
#>   Duration (in seconds) Finished        RecordedDate        ResponseId
#> 1                   296     TRUE 2020-12-11 12:59:24 R_Y27gVhACEH3aUUE
#> 2                   341     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:45:21 R_RCLqTKWdIen8A1Z
#> 3                   380     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:47:24 R_9bLdiaLyyfUlM7q
#> 4                   339     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:47:58 R_hEJfTQuUySzm9Ef
#> 5                   234     TRUE 2020-12-17 15:49:09 R_M8PpmDiJ7vXS9vO
#> 6                   307    FALSE 2020-12-17 15:51:50 R_HFKclPO5wWGNsFs
#>   LocationLatitude LocationLongitude UserLanguage       Browser       Version
#> 1         40.69746         -74.02277           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 2         42.25303         -71.00212           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 3               NA                NA           EN        Chrome  87.0.4280.88
#> 4         40.71187         -74.00837           EN Chrome iPhone  87.0.4280.77
#> 5         40.70961         -74.01063           EN        Chrome 87.0.4280.109
#> 6         29.29882         -81.04289           EN       Firefox          81.0
#>         Operating System Resolution
#> 1        Windows NT 10.0   1440x900
#> 2        Windows NT 10.0  1920x1080
#> 3        Windows NT 10.0   1536x864
#> 4                 iPhone    375x667
#> 5 CrOS x86_64 13505.73.0   1366x768
#> 6        Windows NT 10.0   1366x768