Example numeric metadata imported with qualtRics::fetch_survey()
from simulated Qualtrics study but with labels included as column names
Source: R/qualtrics_data.R
A dataset containing the metadata from a standard Qualtrics survey with
browser metadata collected and exported with "Use numeric values". The data
were imported using
and then the secondary labels were assigned as column names with
These data were randomly generated using iptools::ip_random() and
rgeolocate::ip2location() functions.
A data frame with 100 rows and 17 variables:
- Start Date
date and time data collection started, in ISO 8601 format
- End Date
date and time data collection ended, in ISO 8601 format
- Response Type
numeric flag for preview (1) vs. implemented survey (0) entries
- IP Address
participant IP address (truncated for anonymity)
- Progress
percentage of survey completed
- Duration (in seconds)
duration of time required to complete survey, in seconds
- Finished
numeric flag for whether survey was completed (1) or progress was < 100 (0)
- Recorded Date
date and time survey was recorded, in ISO 8601 format
- Response ID
random ID for participants
- Location Latitude
latitude geolocated from IP address
- Location Longitude
longitude geolocated from IP address
- User Language
language set in Qualtrics
- Click to write the question text - Browser
user web browser type
- Click to write the question text - Version
user web browser version
- Click to write the question text - Operating System
user operating system
- Click to write the question text - Resolution
user screen resolution
- like
response to question about whether the user liked the survey (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
See also
Other data: