Example text-based metadata from simulated Qualtrics study
A dataset containing the metadata from a standard Qualtrics survey with browser metadata collected and exported with "Use choice text". These data were randomly generated using iptools::ip_random() and rgeolocate::ip2location() functions. This dataset includes the two header rows of with column information that is exported by Qualtrics.
A data frame with 102 rows and 16 variables:
- StartDate
date and time data collection started, in ISO 8601 format
- EndDate
date and time data collection ended, in ISO 8601 format
- Status
flag for preview (Survey Preview) vs. implemented survey (IP Address) entries
- IPAddress
participant IP address (truncated for anonymity)
- Progress
percentage of survey completed
- Duration (in seconds)
duration of time required to complete survey, in seconds
- Finished
logical for whether survey was completed (TRUE) or progress was < 100 (FALSE)
- RecordedDate
date and time survey was recorded, in ISO 8601 format
- ResponseId
random ID for participants
- LocationLatitude
latitude geolocated from IP address
- LocationLongitude
longitude geolocated from IP address
- UserLanguage
language set in Qualtrics
- Browser
user web browser type
- Version
user web browser version
- Operating System
user operating system
- Resolution
user screen resolution
See also
Other data: