Advanced usage of getCRUCLdata
Adam H. Sparks
Caching files for later use
When using the get_CRU_df()
functions, files may be cached in the
users’ local space for later use (optional) or stored in a temporary
directory and deleted when the R session is closed and not saved (this
is the default behaviour already illustrated above). Illustrated here,
create a data.table of all CRU CL v. 2.0 climatology elements available
and cache them to save time in the future. In order to take
advantage of the cached data, you must use the get_CRU_df()
function again in the future. This functionality is somewhat
modelled after the raster package’s raster::getData()
will not download files that already exist in the working directory,
however in this case the function is portable and it will work for any
working directory. That is, if you have cached the data and you use
again, it will use the cached data no matter
what working directory you are in. This functionality will be most
useful for writing scripts that may be used several times rather than
just once off or if you frequently use the data in multiple analyses the
data will not be downloaded again if they have been cached.
Create a list of raster stacks of maximum and minimum temperature. To
take advantage of the previously cached files and save time by not
downloading files, specify cache = TRUE
tmn_tmx <- get_CRU_stack(
tmn = TRUE,
tmx = TRUE,
cache = TRUE
Handling files downloaded outside of R
A second set of functions, create_CRU_df()
, is provided for users that may have
connectivity issues or simply wish to use something other than R to
download the data files. You may also wish to use these if you want to
download the data and specify where it is stored rather than using the
functionality of get_CRU_df()
The create_CRU_df()
and create_CRU_stack()
functions work in the same way as get_CRU_df()
functions with only one major difference.
You must supply the location of the files on the local disk
) that you wish to import. That is, the CRU CL v. 2.0
data files must be downloaded prior to the use of these
functions using a program external to R.
t <- create_CRU_df(tmp = TRUE, dsn = "~/Downloads")