provides an R interface to the Greek
National Data Bank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information
covers Hydroscope's data sources using the
Enhydris API
and provides functions to:
Transform the available tables and data sets into tibbles.
Transliterate the Greek Unicode names to Latin.
Translate various Greek terms to English.
Enhydris API
The Enhydris database is implemented in PostgreSQL. Details can be found here
Data Sources
The data are retrieved from the Hydroscope's databases:
Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.
Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
National Meteorological Service.
Greek Public Power Corporation.
Maintainer: Konstantinos Vantas kon.vantas@gmail.com (ORCID)
Other contributors:
Sharla Gelfand (Sharla Gelfand reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/185) [contributor, reviewer]
Tim Trice (Tim Trice reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/185) [reviewer]