- p
iheatmap object
- method
"hclust" or "kmeans" for hierarchical or k-means clustering, respectively
- name
name of colorbar indicating cluster membership
- k
number of clusters for rows, needed if order is kmeans or optional if hclust
- groups
vector of group assignments
- clust_dist
distance function to use for clustering if hierarchical clustering
- colors
colors to use for annotation of grouping, can be RColorBrewer palette name or vector of colors
- show_colorbar
show the colorbar for the heatmap indicating cluster membership
- side
side of plot on which to add subplot
- yname
name of yaxis
- xname
name of xaxis
object, which can be printed to generate
an interactive graphic
mat <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5, nrow = 4)
hm <- iheatmap(mat) %>% add_col_clustering(method = "hclust", k = 2)
# Print heatmap if interactive session
if (interactive()) hm