Write images (arrays) as tab-separated .txt
files on disk. Each
channel-frame pair gets its own file.
write_txt_img(img, path, rds = FALSE, msg = TRUE)
read_txt_img(path, msg = TRUE)
txt_img_write(img, path, rds = FALSE, msg = TRUE)
txt_img_read(path, msg = TRUE)
- img
An image, represented by a 4-dimensional array, like an ijtiff_img.
- path
The name of the input/output output file(s), without a file extension.
- rds
In addition to writing a text file, save the image as an RDS (a single R object) file?
- msg
Print an informative message about the image being read?
img <- read_tif(system.file("img", "Rlogo.tif", package = "ijtiff"))
#> Reading Rlogo.tif: an 8-bit, 76x100 pixel image of unsigned
#> integer type. Reading 4 channels and 1 frame . . .
#> Done.
tmptxt <- tempfile(pattern = "img", fileext = ".txt")
write_txt_img(img, tmptxt)
#> Writing imgf3a702448f5_ch1.txt, imgf3a702448f5_ch2.txt, imgf3a702448f5_ch3.txt and imgf3a702448f5_ch4.txt: a 76x100 pixel text image with 4 channels and 1 frame . . .
#> Done.
tmptxt_ch1_path <- paste0(strex::str_before_last_dot(tmptxt), "_ch1.txt")
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmpb7Craz/imgf3a702448f5_ch1.txt"
txt_img <- read_txt_img(tmptxt_ch1_path)
#> Reading 76x100 pixel text image 'imgf3a702448f5_ch1.txt' . . .
#> Done.