Understanding Text Images
Text images are arrays of numbers stored in a tab-delimited file (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tab-separated_values), where each location in the file represents a pixel and the value stored there is the pixel intensity.
Why Use Text Images?
Text images serve two main purposes:
Compatibility: Many software packages (e.g., Microsoft Excel) don’t support saving arrays as TIFF files but can save them as tab-separated text files.
Value Range: A 32-bit TIFF file can only hold values up to (approximately ). Text images have no such limitation, making them useful for storing very large numerical values.
Working with Text Images
Reading Text Images
To read a text image, use the read_txt_img()
path_txt_img <- system.file("img", "Rlogo-grey.txt", package = "ijtiff")
txt_img <- read_txt_img(path_txt_img)
#> Reading 76x100 pixel text image 'Rlogo-grey.txt' . . .
#> Done.
print(dim(txt_img)) # Show image dimensions
#> [1] 76 100
Note that read_txt_img()
expects a tab-separated file
(TSV). This is the format that ImageJ uses when saving text images.
Other formats like CSV are not supported.
Writing Text Images
Writing a text image is straightforward using
# Create a simple test image
test_img <- array(1:16, dim = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
# Write it as a text image
out_path <- tempfile(pattern = "txtimg", fileext = ".txt")
write_txt_img(test_img, path = out_path)
#> Writing txtimg14cd69685929.txt: a 4x4 pixel text image with 1 channel and 1 frame . . .
#> Done.
# Read it back to verify
read_back <- read_txt_img(out_path)
#> Reading 4x4 pixel text image 'txtimg14cd69685929.txt' . . .
#> Done.
all.equal(test_img, read_back)
#> [1] "Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >"
#> [2] "Attributes: < Component \"dim\": Numeric: lengths (4, 2) differ >"
#> [3] "target is array, current is matrix"
Converting Between TIFF and Text Images
You can convert between TIFF and text image formats using a
combination of read_tif()
, write_tif()
, and write_txt_img()
# TIFF to text
tiff_path <- system.file("img", "Rlogo-grey.tif", package = "ijtiff")
img <- read_tif(tiff_path)
#> Reading Rlogo-grey.tif: a 32-bit, 76x100 pixel image of
#> floating point type. Reading 1 channel and 1 frame . . .
#> Done.
txt_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
write_txt_img(img, txt_path)
#> Writing file14cd7b0a12f7.txt: a 76x100 pixel text image with 1 channel and 1 frame . . .
#> Done.
# Text to TIFF
txt_img <- read_txt_img(txt_path)
#> Reading 76x100 pixel text image 'file14cd7b0a12f7.txt' . . .
#> Done.
tiff_path2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
write_tif(txt_img, tiff_path2)
#> Writing /tmp/RtmpKdmfko/file14cd54aac61.tif ... 0-bit 76x100
#> pixel image floating point 1 ch 1 frames
#> Done.
See Also
- For general image reading and writing, see
vignette("reading-and-writing-images", package = "ijtiff")
- For working with TIFF tags, see
vignette("tiff-tags", package = "ijtiff")
- For ImageJ compatibility, see
vignette("the-imagej-problem", package = "ijtiff")