A dataset containing the information on all known baseline and extended TIFF tags.
A data frame with 96 rows and 10 variables:
- code_dec
decimal numeric code of the TIFF tag
- code_hex
hexadecimal numeric code of the TIFF tag
- name
the name of the TIFF tag
- short_description
a short description of the TIFF tag
- tag_type
the type of TIFF tag: either "baseline" or "extended"
- url
the URL of the TIFF tag at https://www.awaresystems.be
- libtiff_name
the TIFF tag name in the libtiff C library
- c_type
the C type of the TIFF tag data in libtiff
- count
the number of elements in the TIFF tag data
- default
the default value of the data held in the TIFF tag
#> # A tibble: 96 × 10
#> code_dec code_hex name short_description type url libtiff_name c_type
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 254 00FE NewSubfi… A general indica… base… http… TIFFTAG_SUB… LONG
#> 2 255 00FF SubfileT… A general indica… base… http… TIFFTAG_OSU… SHORT
#> 3 256 0100 ImageWid… The number of co… base… http… TIFFTAG_IMA… SHORT…
#> 4 257 0101 ImageLen… The number of ro… base… http… TIFFTAG_IMA… SHORT…
#> 5 258 0102 BitsPerS… Number of bits p… base… http… TIFFTAG_BIT… SHORT
#> 6 259 0103 Compress… Compression sche… base… http… TIFFTAG_COM… SHORT
#> 7 262 0106 Photomet… The color space … base… http… TIFFTAG_PHO… SHORT
#> 8 263 0107 Threshho… For black and wh… base… http… TIFFTAG_THR… SHORT
#> 9 264 0108 CellWidth The width of the… base… http… TIFFTAG_CEL… SHORT
#> 10 265 0109 CellLeng… The length of th… base… http… TIFFTAG_CEL… SHORT
#> # ℹ 86 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: count <chr>, default <chr>