Karel is drawn with 6 squares (body, feet, eyes and mouth) using geom_rect(),
so we need arguments xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax for each of them. So this
function takes Karel's current position (x, y) and direction (1 east, 2
north, 3 west, 4 south) and generates the corresponding values of xmin, xmax,
ymin and ymax.
draw_karel_df(x, y, direction, moment)
A 6x7 tibble. First row is for the body, 2nd for the left foot, then
right foot, left eye, right eye and finally the mouth. Columns are xmin,
xmax, ymin, ymax, moment (time), a color (for fill) and a transparency
value (alpha)
This function is called repeatedly for each position of Karel through time.