Rectify two previously scanned-in pdf or png maps with RNiftyReg
, and
return the modifications in map_modified
as spatial objects in sf
nitems = NULL,
non_linear = 1,
type = "hulls",
downsample = 10,
concavity = 0,
length_threshold = 10,
quiet = FALSE
- map_original
File name of the original map without anything drawn over it (either a
; extension will be ignored).- map_modified
File name of the modified version with drawings (either a
; extension will be ignored).- nitems
Optional parameter to explicitly specify number of distinct items to be extracted from map; if possible, specifying this parameter may improve results.
- non_linear
Integer value of 0, 1, or 2 representing degree of non-linearity in modified image - see Note.
- type
Currently either "points", "polygons", or "hulls", where "points" simply reduces each distinct object to a single, central point; "polygons" identifies individual groups and returns the polygon representing the outer boundary of each; and "hulls" constructs convex or concave polygons around each group.
- downsample
Factor by which to downsample
type = "polygons"
, noting that polygons initially include every outer pixel of image, so can generally be downsampled by at least an order or magnitude (n = 10
). Higher values may be used for higher-resolution images; lower values will generally only be necessary for very low lower resolution images.- concavity
type = "hulls"
, a value between 0 and 1, with 0 giving convex hulls and 1 giving highly concave hulls.- length_threshold
type = "hulls"
, the minimal length of a segment to be made more convex. Low values will produce highly detailed hulls which may cause problems; if in doubt, or if odd results appear, increase this value.- quiet
, display progress information on screen
The non-linear
parameter should generally set according to how the
modified maps were digitised. A value of 0 will give fastest results, and
should be used for directly scanned or photocopied images. A value of 1 (the
default) still presumes modified images have been linearly translated, and
will apply affine transformations (rotations, contractions, dilations). This
value should be used when modified images have been photographed (potentially
from an oblique angle). A value of 2 should only be used when modified maps
have somehow been non-linearly distorted, for example through having been
crumpled or screwed up. Rectification with non-linear = 2
will likely take
considerably longer than with lower values.
f_orig <- system.file ("extdata", "omaha.png", package = "mapscanner")
f_mod <- system.file ("extdata", "omaha-polygons.png",
package = "mapscanner"
# reduce file sizes to 1/4 to speed up these examples:
f_orig2 <- file.path (tempdir (), "omaha.png")
f_modified2 <- file.path (tempdir (), "omaha-polygons.png")
magick::image_read (f_orig) %>%
magick::image_resize ("25%") %>%
magick::image_write (f_orig2)
magick::image_read (f_mod) %>%
magick::image_resize ("25%") %>%
magick::image_write (f_modified2)
# then rectify those files:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
xy_hull <- ms_rectify_map (f_orig2, f_modified2, type = "hull")
xy_poly <- ms_rectify_map (f_orig2, f_modified2, type = "polygons")
xy_pts <- ms_rectify_map (f_orig2, f_modified2, type = "points")
} # }