Access medRxiv/bioRxiv data via the Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory API
Provides programmatic access to all preprints available through the Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory API, which serves both the medRxiv and bioRxiv preprint repositories.
from_date = "2013-01-01",
to_date = as.character(Sys.Date()),
clean = TRUE,
server = "medrxiv",
include_info = FALSE
- from_date
Earliest date of interest, written as "YYYY-MM-DD". Defaults to 1st Jan 2013 ("2013-01-01"), ~6 months prior to earliest preprint registration date.
- to_date
Latest date of interest, written as "YYYY-MM-DD". Defaults to current date.
- clean
Logical, defaulting to TRUE, indicating whether to clean the data returned by the API. If TRUE, variables containing absolute paths to the preprints web-page ("link_page") and PDF ("link_pdf") are generated from the "server", "DOI", and "version" variables returned by the API. The "title", "abstract" and "authors" variables are converted to title case. Finally, the "type" and "server" variables are dropped.
- server
Specify the server you wish to use: "medrxiv" (default) or "biorxiv"
- include_info
Logical, indicating whether to include variables containing information returned by the API (e.g. API status, cursor number, total count of papers, etc). Default is FALSE.
See also
Other data-source:
if (interactive()) {
mx_data <- mx_api_content(
from_date = "2020-01-01",
to_date = "2020-01-07"