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Inspired by the varying capitalisation of "NCOV" during the coronavirus pandemic (e.g. ncov, nCoV, NCOV, nCOV), this function allows for all possible configurations of lower- and upper-case letters in your search term.





Search term to be formatted


The input string is return, but with each non-space character repeated in lower- and upper-case, and enclosed in square brackets. For example, mx_caps("ncov") returns "[Nn][Cc][Oo][Vv]"

See also

Other helper: mx_crosscheck(), mx_download(), mx_export()


# \donttest{

query <- c("coronavirus", mx_caps("ncov"))

mx_search(mx_snapshot("6c4056d2cccd6031d92ee4269b1785c6ec4d555b"), query)
#> Using medRxiv snapshot - 2020-08-22 15:42
#> Found 1856 record(s) matching your search.
#> # A tibble: 1,856 × 14
#>       ID title                abstract authors date       category doi   version
#>    <int> <chr>                <chr>    <chr>   <date>     <chr>    <chr>   <int>
#>  1    88 Higher energy requi… "Backgr… Ebbeli… 2019-07-11 Nutriti… 10.1…       1
#>  2   676 Resilience to domin… "Here w… Lacaze… 2019-10-22 Genetic… 10.1…       1
#>  3   501 Patterns of Autism … "We sim… Lefort… 2019-09-27 Psychia… 10.1…       1
#>  4  1371 Novel coronavirus 2… "Since … Read, … 2020-01-28 Infecti… 10.1…       2
#>  5  1426 Incubation Period a… "The ge… Linton… 2020-02-18 Infecti… 10.1…       2
#>  6  1430 Epidemiological ide… "Object… Jung, … 2020-02-03 Epidemi… 10.1…       2
#>  7  1465 Estimating the effe… "We est… Cao, Z… 2020-01-29 Infecti… 10.1…       1
#>  8  1446 The incubation peri… "Curren… Backer… 2020-01-30 Infecti… 10.1…       2
#>  9  1475 Estimated effective… "Travel… Gostic… 2020-02-03 Epidemi… 10.1…       2
#> 10  1473 Risk for Transporta… "On Jan… Du, Z.… 2020-02-17 Epidemi… 10.1…       4
#> # ℹ 1,846 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: author_corresponding <chr>,
#> #   author_corresponding_institution <chr>, link_page <chr>, link_pdf <chr>,
#> #   license <chr>, published <chr>
# }