Authors and Citation
Scott Chamberlain. Reviewer.
Scott Chamberlain reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci, see <https://github.com/ropensci/software-review/issues/155>. -
Hazel Kavili. Reviewer.
Hazel Kavili reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci, see <https://github.com/ropensci/software-review/issues/155>. -
Alison Boyer. Reviewer.
Alison Boyer reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci, see <https://github.com/ropensci/software-review/issues/155>. -
Fernando Miguez. Contributor.
Fernando Miguez provided assistance in identifying improper missing value handling in the POWER data, see <https://github.com/femiguez/apsimx/pull/26>. -
Maëlle Salmon. Contributor.
Maëlle Salmon contributed a patch to fix issues with using the R package, 'vcr', for testing the API queries, see <https://github.com/ropensci/nasapower/pull/64>. -
Phillip D. Alderman. Contributor.
Phillip Alderman contributed a patch to fix an issue with, 'The `file` argument of `vroom()` must use `I()` for literal data as of vroom 1.5.0.', see <https://github.com/ropensci/nasapower/pull/67>. -
Aleksandar Blagotić. Contributor.
Author of the CRAN package 'rapportools', from which the '.is_boolean()' was taken. -
Gergely Daróczi. Contributor.
Author of the CRAN package 'rapportools', from which the '.is_boolean()' was taken. -
Curtin University. Copyright holder.
Supported the development of 'nasapower' through Adam H. Sparks' time.
Source: inst/CITATION
Sparks A (2018). “nasapower: A NASA POWER Global Meteorology, Surface Solar Energy and Climatology Data Client for R.” The Journal of Open Source Software, 3(30), 1035. doi:10.21105/joss.01035.
@Article{, author = {Adam H. Sparks}, title = {nasapower: A NASA POWER Global Meteorology, Surface Solar Energy and Climatology Data Client for R}, doi = {10.21105/joss.01035}, year = {2018}, month = {oct}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {3}, number = {30}, pages = {1035}, journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software}, }