Find the closest dataset records to a site, dataset or long/lat pair in Neotoma
Passing in a download object the function outputs a Bacon or Clam formatted file to a user defined destination for age modelling with existing age-depth modeling software.
This command returns a dataset
or dataset_list
, or NULL if no records exist within the bounding box.
The function uses the sf
package to generate a circular buffer around a point of interest.
From there a square bounding box is sent to Neotoma using the get_dataset()
function. To use the buffering
function we must convert from long/lat to UTM coordinates, which we do by guessing the UTM zone of the point of interest.
Details can be found in the function's R code hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/ropensci/neotoma/blob/master/R/get_closest.R
Neotoma Project Website: http://www.neotomadb.org API Reference: http://wnapi.neotomadb.org/doc/resources/contacts
Simon J. Goring simon.j.goring@gmail.com, Andria Dawson andria.dawson@gmail.com
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# The point of pulling chronology tables is to re-build or examine the chronological
# information that was used to build the age-depth model for the core.
# Find the closest records to Madison, WI:
get_closest(x = c(-89.4012, 43.0731), n = 10, buffer = 5000, datasettype = "pollen")
} # }