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A function to search for datasets on given topics. In the case of multiple search parameters, returns metadata on all datasets matching one or more of the parameters. The wildcard character * can be added to the beginning and/or end of each search string.


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  keywords = NULL,
  content_type = NULL,
  units = NULL,
  tidy = FALSE



A string or character vector of strings to search for in available dataset names. Defaults to NULL.


A string or character vector of strings to search for in available dataset descriptions. Note that description looks for complete matches, so wildcards should be used at the start and end of each string. Defaults to NULL.


A string or character vector of strings to search for in available dataset keywords. Defaults to NULL.


A string or character vector of strings to search for in available dataset content types. content_type can include an optional ID for that content type. Defaults to NULL.


A string or character vector of strings to search for in available dataset units. Defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, converts tibble names to snakecase.


A tibble with details on all datasets matching the search query.


# \donttest{
x <- nomis_search(name = "*seekers*")

y <- nomis_search(keywords = "Claimants")

# Return metadata of all datasets with content_type "sources".
a <- nomis_search(content_type = "sources")

# Return metadata of all datasets with content_type "sources" and
# source ID "acses"
b <- nomis_search(content_type = "sources-acses")
# }