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Search the U.S. National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry using parameters exposed by the registry's API (Version 2.1). Results are combined and returned as a tibble with an S3 class of npi_results. See Value below for a description of the returned object. API documentation may differ from what is shown here. Consult for the latest documentation.


  number = NULL,
  enumeration_type = NULL,
  taxonomy_description = NULL,
  first_name = NULL,
  last_name = NULL,
  use_first_name_alias = NULL,
  organization_name = NULL,
  address_purpose = NULL,
  city = NULL,
  state = NULL,
  postal_code = NULL,
  country_code = NULL,
  limit = 10L



(Optional) 10-digit NPI number assigned to the provider.


(Optional) Type of provider associated with the NPI, one of:


Individual provider (NPI-1)


Organizational provider (NPI-2)


(Optional) Scalar character vector with an exact description or exact specialty or wildcard * after 2 characters from the NUCC Healthcare Provider Taxonomy.


(Optional) This field only applies to Individual Providers. Trailing wildcard entries are permitted requiring at least two characters to be entered (e.g. "jo*" ). This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon.


(Optional) This field only applies to Individual Providers. Trailing wildcard entries are permitted requiring at least two characters to be entered. This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon.


(Optional) This field only applies to Individual Providers when not doing a wildcard search. When set to "True", the search results will include Providers with similar First Names. E.g., first_name=Robert, will also return Providers with the first name of Rob, Bob, Robbie, Bobby, etc. Valid Values are: TRUE: Will include alias/similar names; FALSE: Will only look for exact matches.


(Optional) This field only applies to Organizational Providers. Trailing wildcard entries are permitted requiring at least two characters to be entered. This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, "at" sign, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon. Both the Organization Name and Other Organization Name fields associated with an NPI are examined for matching contents, therefore, the results might contain an organization name different from the one entered in the Organization Name criterion.


Refers to whether the address information entered pertains to the provider's Mailing Address or the provider's Practice Location Address. When not specified, the results will contain the providers where either the Mailing Address or any of Practice Location Addresses match the entered address information. Primary will only search against Primary Location Address. While Secondary will only search against Secondary Location Addresses. Valid values are: "location", "mailing", "primary", "secondary".


The City associated with the provider's address identified in Address Purpose. To search for a Military Address enter either APO or FPO into the City field. This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon.


The State abbreviation associated with the provider's address identified in Address Purpose. This field cannot be used as the only input criterion. If this field is used, at least one other field, besides the Enumeration Type and Country, must be populated. Valid values for states:


The Postal Code associated with the provider's address identified in Address Purpose. If you enter a 5 digit postal code, it will match any appropriate 9 digit (zip+4) codes in the data. Trailing wildcard entries are permitted requiring at least two characters to be entered (e.g., "21*").


The Country associated with the provider's address identified in Address Purpose. This field can be used as the only input criterion as long as the value selected is not US (United States). Valid values for country codes:


Maximum number of records to return, from 1 to 1200 inclusive. The default is 10. Because the API returns up to 200 records per request, values of limit greater than 200 will result in multiple API calls.


Data frame (tibble) containing the results of the search.


By default, the function requests up to 10 records, but the limit argument accepts values from 1 to the API's limit of 1200.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# 10 NPI records for New York City
npi_search(city = "New York City")

# 1O NPI records for New York City, organizations only
npi_search(city = "New York City", enumeration_type = "org")

# 1O NPI records for New York City, individuals only
npi_search(city = "New York City", enumeration_type = "ind")

# 1200 NPI records for New York City
npi_search(city = "New York City", limit = 1200)

# Nutritionists in Maine
npi_search(state = "ME", taxonomy_description = "Nutritionist")

# Record associated with NPI 1245251222
npi_search(number = 1245251222)
} # }