This function requires OTP 1.x and the analyst
otpcon = NA,
path_data = NULL,
fromPlace = NA,
toPlace = NA,
fromID = NULL,
toID = NULL,
mode = "CAR",
date_time = Sys.time(),
arriveBy = FALSE,
maxWalkDistance = 1000,
numItineraries = 3,
routeOptions = NULL,
ncores = max(round(parallel::detectCores() * 1.25) - 1, 1),
timezone = otpcon$timezone
- otpcon
OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
- path_data
Path to data used in otp_build_graph()
- fromPlace
Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g. `c(-0.134649,51.529258)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs, or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
- toPlace
Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g. `c(-0.088780,51.506383)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs, or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
- fromID
character vector same length as fromPlace
- toID
character vector same length as toPlace
- mode
character vector of one or more modes of travel valid values TRANSIT, WALK, BICYCLE, CAR, BUS, RAIL, default CAR. Not all combinations are valid e.g. c("WALK","BUS") is valid but c("WALK","CAR") is not.
- date_time
POSIXct, a date and time, defaults to current date and time
- arriveBy
Logical, Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time, default FALSE
- maxWalkDistance
Numeric passed to OTP in metres
- numItineraries
The maximum number of possible itineraries to return
- routeOptions
Named list of values passed to OTP use `otp_route_options()` to make template object.
- ncores
Numeric, number of cores to use when batch processing, default 1, see details
- timezone
Character, what timezone to use, see as.POSIXct, default is local timezone
See also
Other analyst: