Extract OSF GUIDs and Waterbutler IDs from various types of inputs. Valid
looking IDs are returned as osf_id
Identifier types
There are 2 types of identifiers you'll encounter on OSF. The first is the globally unique identifier, or GUID, that OSF assigns to every entity. A valid OSF GUID consists of 5 alphanumeric characters. The second type of identifier is specific to files stored on OSF. All file operations on OSF are handled via Waterbutler. A valid Waterbutler ID consists of 24 alphanumeric characters.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# extract a GUID from an OSF URL
proj_id <- as_id("https://osf.io/7zqxp/")
# extract waterbutler IDs from an `osf_tbl_file`` with multiple files
osf_retrieve_node(proj_id) %>%
osf_ls_files() %>%
} # }