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Creates a new element in an open changeset as specified.


osm_create_object(x, changeset_id)



The new object data. Can be the path to an xml file, a xml2::xml_document or a data.frame inheriting or following the structure of an osmapi_objects object.


The ID of an open changeset where to create the object. If missing, x should define the changeset ID, otherwise it will be overwritten with changeset_id. Ignored if x is a path.


The ID of the newly created OSM object.


If x is a data.frame, the columns type, changeset, tags must be present + column members for ways and relations + lat and lon for nodes. For the xml format, see the OSM wiki.

If multiple elements are provided only the first is created. The rest is discarded.


  • This updates the bounding box of the changeset.

  • The role attribute for relations is optional. An empty string is the default.

  • To avoid performance issues when uploading multiple objects, the use of the osm_diff_upload_changeset() is highly recommended.

  • The version of the created object will be 1.

See also

Other edit OSM objects' functions: osm_delete_object(), osm_update_object()


vignette("how_to_edit_osm", package = "osmapiR")
#> Warning: vignette ‘how_to_edit_osm’ not found