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With this API call files in the OsmChange format can be uploaded to the server. This is guaranteed to be running in a transaction. So either all the changes are applied or none.


osm_diff_upload_changeset(changeset_id, osmcha, format = c("R", "xml"))



The ID of the changeset this diff belongs to. The user issuing this API call has to be the same that created the changeset.


The OsmChange data. Can be the path of an OsmChange file, a xml2::xml_document or an osmapi_OsmChange object (see osmchange_*() functions).


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default) or "xml".


If a diff is successfully applied and format = "R", it returns a data frame with one row for each edited object. For format = "xml", a xml2::xml_document is returned in the following format:

<diffResult generator="OpenStreetMap Server" version="0.6">
    <node|way|relation old_id="#" new_id="#" new_version="#"/>

with one element for every object in the upload.

Note that this can be counter-intuitive when the same element has appeared multiple times in the input then it will appear multiple times in the output.

old_idsame as uploaded elementsame as uploaded elementsame as uploaded element
new_idnew IDnew ID ”or” same as uploadednot present
new_versionnew versionnew versionnot present


To upload an OSC file it has to conform to the OsmChange specification with the following differences:

  • each element must carry a changeset and a version attribute (xml) / column (data.frame), except when you are creating an element where the version is not required as the server sets that for you. The changeset must be the same as the changeset ID being uploaded to.

  • a <delete> block in the OsmChange document may have an if-unused attribute (the value of which is ignored) (action_type column with delete if-unused for data.frames). If this attribute is present, then the delete operation(s) in this block are conditional and will only be executed if the object to be deleted is not used by another object. Without the if-unused, such a situation would lead to an error, and the whole diff upload would fail. Setting the attribute will also cause deletions of already deleted objects to not generate an error.

  • OsmChange documents generally have user and uid attributes on each element. These are not required in the document uploaded to the API.


  • Processing stops at the first error, so if there are multiple conflicts in one diff upload, only the first problem is reported.

  • Refer to osm_capabilities() –> changesets$maximum_elements for the maximum number of changes permitted in a changeset.

  • There is currently no limit in the diff size on the Rails port. CGImap limits diff size to 50MB (uncompressed size).

  • Forward referencing of placeholder ids is not permitted and will be rejected by the API.

See also

Other edit changeset's functions: osm_create_changeset()

Other OsmChange's functions: osm_download_changeset(), osmchange_create(), osmchange_delete(), osmchange_modify()


vignette("how_to_edit_osm", package = "osmapiR")
#> Warning: vignette ‘how_to_edit_osm’ not found