4. Splitting large queries
Mark Padgham
Martin Machyna
1. Introduction
The osmdata
package retrieves data from the overpass
server which is
primarily designed to deliver small subsets of the full Open Street Map
(OSM) data set, determined both by specific bounding coordinates and
specific OSM key-value pairs. The server has internal routines to limit
delivery rates on queries for excessively large data sets, and may
ultimately fail for large queries. This vignette describes one approach
for breaking overly large queries into a set of smaller queries, and for
re-combining the resulting data sets into a single osmdata
object reflecting the desired, large query.
2. Query splitting
Complex or data-heavy queries may exhaust the time or memory limits
of the overpass
server. One way to get around this problem
is to split the bounding box (bbox) of a query into several smaller
fragments, and then to re-combine the data and remove duplicate objects.
This section demonstrates how that may be done, starting with a large
bounding box.
#> min max
#> x -72.46677 -71.79315
#> y 41.27591 41.75617
The following lines then divide that bounding box into two smaller areas:
dx <- (bb ["x", "max"] - bb ["x", "min"]) / 2
bbs <- list (bb, bb)
bbs [[1]] ["x", "max"] <- bb ["x", "max"] - dx
bbs [[2]] ["x", "min"] <- bb ["x", "min"] + dx
#> [[1]]
#> min max
#> x -72.46677 -72.12996
#> y 41.27591 41.75617
#> [[2]]
#> min max
#> x -72.12996 -71.79315
#> y 41.27591 41.75617
These two bounding boxes can then be used to submit two separate overpass queries:
res <- list ()
res [[1]] <- opq (bbox = bbs [[1]]) |>
add_osm_feature (key = "admin_level", value = "8") |>
osmdata_sf ()
res [[2]] <- opq (bbox = bbs [[2]]) |>
add_osm_feature (key = "admin_level", value = "8") |>
osmdata_sf ()
The retrieved osmdata
objects can then be merged using
function, which automatically removes duplicate
res <- c (res [[1]], res [[2]])
3. Automatic bbox splitting
The previous code demonstrated how to divide a bounding box into two, smaller regions. It will generally not be possible to know in advance how small a bounding box should be for a query for work, and so we need a more general version of that functionality to divide a bounding box into a arbitrary number of sub-regions.
We can automate this process by monitoring the exit status of
opq() |> osmdata_sf()
and in case of a failed query we
can keep recursively splitting the current bounding box into
increasingly smaller fragments until the overpass server returns a
result. The following function demonstrates splitting a bounding box
into a list of four equal-sized bounding boxes in a 2-by-2 grid, each
box having a specified degree of overlap (eps=0.05
, or 5%)
with the neighbouring box.
split_bbox <- function (bbox, grid = 2, eps = 0.05) {
xmin <- bbox ["x", "min"]
ymin <- bbox ["y", "min"]
dx <- (bbox ["x", "max"] - bbox ["x", "min"]) / grid
dy <- (bbox ["y", "max"] - bbox ["y", "min"]) / grid
bboxl <- list ()
for (i in 1:grid) {
for (j in 1:grid) {
b <- matrix (c (
xmin + ((i - 1 - eps) * dx),
ymin + ((j - 1 - eps) * dy),
xmin + ((i + eps) * dx),
ymin + ((j + eps) * dy)
nrow = 2,
dimnames = dimnames (bbox)
bboxl <- append (bboxl, list (b))
We pre-split our area and create a queue of bounding boxes that we will use for submitting queries.
Now we can create a loop that will monitor the exit status of our query and in case of success remove the bounding box from the queue. If our query fails for some reason, we split the failed bounding box into four smaller fragments and add them to our queue, repeating until all results have been successfully delivered.
while (length (queue) > 0) {
print (queue [[1]])
opres <- NULL
opres <- try ({
opq (bbox = queue [[1]], timeout = 25) |>
add_osm_feature (key = "natural", value = "tree") |>
osmdata_sf ()
if (class (opres) [1] != "try-error") {
result <- append (result, list (opres))
queue <- queue [-1]
} else {
bboxnew <- split_bbox (queue [[1]])
queue <- append (bboxnew, queue [-1])
All retrieved osmdata
objects stored in the
list can then be combined using the
operator. Note that for large datasets this process
can be quite time consuming.
final <- do.call (c, result)