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This function is used to download a file given a URL. It focuses on OSM extracts with .osm.pbf format stored by one of the providers implemented in the package. The URL is specified through the parameter file_url.


  provider = NULL,
  file_basename = basename(file_url),
  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  file_size = NA,
  force_download = FALSE,
  max_file_size = 5e+08,
  quiet = FALSE



A URL pointing to a .osm.pbf file that should be downloaded.


Which provider stores the file? If NULL (the default), it may be inferred from the URL, but it must be specified for non-standard cases. See details and examples.


The basename of the file. The default behaviour is to auto-generate it from the URL using basename().


Where to download the file containing the OSM data? By default this is equal to oe_download_directory(), which is equal to tempdir() and it changes each time you restart R. You can set a persistent download_directory by adding the following to your .Renviron file (e.g. with edit_r_environ function in usethis package): OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY=/path/to/osm/data.


How big is the file? Optional. NA by default. If it's bigger than max_file_size and the function is run in interactive mode, then an interactive menu is displayed, asking for permission for downloading the file.


Should the .osm.pbf file be updated if it has already been downloaded? FALSE by default. This parameter is used to update old .osm.pbf files.


The maximum file size to download without asking in interactive mode. Default: 5e+8, half a gigabyte.


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


A character string representing the file's path.


This function runs several checks before actually downloading a new file to avoid overloading the OSM providers. The first step is the definition of the file's path associated to the input file_url. The path is created by pasting together the download_directory, the name of chosen provider (which may be inferred from the URL) and the basename() of the URL. For example, if file_url is equal to "", and download_directory = "/tmp", then the path is built as "/tmp/geofabrik_italy-latest.osm.pbf". Thereafter, the function checks the existence of that file and, if it founds it, then it returns the path. The parameter force_download is used to modify this behaviour. If there is no file associated with the new path, then the function downloads a new file using download.file() with mode = "wb", and, again, it returns the path.


(its_match = oe_match("ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE))
#> $url
#> [1] ""
#> $file_size
#> [1] 40792

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  file_url = its_match$url,
  file_size = its_match$file_size,
  provider = "test",
  download_directory = tempdir()
iow_url = oe_match("Isle of Wight")
  file_url = iow_url$url,
  file_size = iow_url$file_size,
  download_directory = tempdir()
Sucre_url = oe_match("Sucre", provider = "bbbike")
  file_url = Sucre_url$url,
  file_size = Sucre_url$file_size,
  download_directory = tempdir()
)} # }