Minor updates to vignettes to reflect changes in the tidyverse.
outcomerate 1.0.1
CRAN release: 2018-10-06
Added CITATION details to the package
Added documentation as pkgdown site
outcomerate 1.0.0
New Features
eligibility_rate() function added to estimate the proportion of eligible cases from the unknowns, based on the known ineligibles (NE’s).
Refactoring of code based on ROpenSci peer review feedback.
Added S3 method for factors.
Addition of many more unit tests.
Additional of more helpful error messages.
Breaking Changes
weight argument no longer accepts scalar inputs.
If weights are provided, the output labels are renamed in the form ‘RR2w’ instead of “RR2”
If rate = NULL in the function parameters, the default behavior will be to return all possible rates given the other parameters specified.
Disposition codes now accept “NE” for known ineligibles. Within outcomerate(), these are largely ignored, but are used by eligibility_rate() to estimate e
Added documentation for the (internal) fmat formula matrix object
Added documentation on the middleearth toy dataset