pg_search fix for searching with a bounding box that crosses 180/-180 longitude: not a fix in this package, but the remote data source fixed a problem reported from a user of this package (#71)
pangaear 0.8.2
CRAN release: 2019-09-12
detected from cran checks, only failing on debian clang r-devel: change pg_search tests to use preserve_exact_body_bytes = TRUE in the vcr::use_cassette() call so yaml package doesn’t fail on loading it (#72)
pangaear 0.8.0
CRAN release: 2019-08-19
now using package hoardr for managing caching, replacing package rappdirs; new object pg_cache, an R6 class, with methods for managing where you cache files, deleting them, listing them, etc. Importantly, you can set the full cache path now, not just the folder within a set directory (#66) (#69)
most tests using vcr now for http reqeust caching (#70)
output of pg_data() now includes a metadata slot with parsed metadata from text files (only included when the file is a txt file); parameters slot that’s part of the metadata is partially parsed into an unnamed list (#67)
fix in pg_data(): Pangaea changed how links are organized for datasets, fixed now (#65)
fix in pg_data(): response content type header changed - a space was added, breaking the content type check; now not sensitive to the space (#68)
replaced httr pkg with crul for HTTP requests (#55)
Some datasets require login on the Pangaea platform - we now detect this in pg_data and skip the file download with a message saying so. Eventually we hope to fix this to allow uesrs to input credentials to get the file(s) (#59)
pangaear 0.3.0
CRAN release: 2017-03-08
New function pg_search_es - an interface to Pangaea’s Elasticsearch query interface.
fixed bug in oai functions due to changed base url for the Pangaea OAI server (#53)
Fix to pg_search as search portal now has offset param - so if more than 500 results need to page through them with the offset parameter (#56)
pangaear 0.2.4
CRAN release: 2016-10-07
Improved examples in the OAI methods to make sure they work regardless of when the user runs them
Fixes to pg_search() needed due to changes in the Pangaea website. Nearly identical functionality, but one parameter switch (env param is now topic). More parameters may be added in the future. New fields are added to output, added to docs for the function. Now importing jsonlite as a result of these changes (#50)
Fixes to pg_data() needed due to changes in the Pangaea website. Nothing should be different for the user. (#51)