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List records from Pangaea


  prefix = "oai_dc",
  from = NULL,
  until = NULL,
  set = NULL,
  token = NULL,
  as = "df",



A character string to specify the metadata format in OAI-PMH requests issued to the repository. The default (oai_dc) corresponds to the mandatory OAI unqualified Dublin Core metadata schema.


Character string giving datestamp to be used as lower bound for datestamp-based selective harvesting (i.e., only harvest records with datestamps in the given range). Dates and times must be encoded using ISO 8601. The trailing Z must be used when including time. OAI-PMH implies UTC for data/time specifications.


Character string giving a datestamp to be used as an upper bound, for datestamp-based selective harvesting (i.e., only harvest records with datestamps in the given range).


A character string giving a set to be used for selective harvesting (i.e., only harvest records in the given set).


(character) a token previously provided by the server to resume a request where it last left off. 50 is max number of records returned. We will loop for you internally to get all the records you asked for.


(character) What to return. One of "df" (for data.frame; default), "list", or "raw" (raw text)


Curl debugging options passed on to oai::list_records()


XML character string, data.frame, or list, depending on what requested witht the as parameter


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
pg_list_records(set='citable', from=Sys.Date()-1, until=Sys.Date())

# When no results found > "'noRecordsMatch'"
# pg_list_records(set='geomound', from='2015-01-01', until='2015-01-01')

pg_list_records(prefix="iso19139", set='citable', from=Sys.Date()-1,

## FIXME - below are broken
# pg_list_records(prefix="dif", set='citable', from=Sys.Date()-4,
#   until=Sys.Date())
# pg_list_records(prefix="dif", set='project4094', from=Sys.Date()-4,
#   until=Sys.Date())
} # }