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This dataset contains data from a self-paced reading experiment on Chinese relative clause comprehension. It is structured to support analysis of reaction times, comprehension accuracy, and surprisal values across various experimental conditions in a 2x2 fully crossed factorial design:




A tibble with 8,624 rows and 15 variables:


Participant identifier, a character vector.


Trial item number, an integer.


Experimental condition, a character vector indicating variations in sentence structure (e.g., "a", "b", "c", "d").


Chinese word presented in each trial, a character vector.


Position of the word within the sentence, an integer.


Reaction time in milliseconds for reading each word, an integer.


Sentence region or phrase type (e.g., "hd1", "Det+CL"), a character vector.


Comprehension question associated with the trial, a character vector.


Binary accuracy score for the comprehension question (1 = correct, 0 = incorrect).


Expected correct answer for the comprehension question, a character vector ("Y" or "N").


Type of comprehension question, a character vector.


Name of the experiment, indicating self-paced reading, a character vector.


Experimental list number, for counterbalancing item presentation, an integer.


Full sentence used in the trial with words marked for analysis, a character vector.


Model-derived surprisal values for each word, a numeric vector.

Region codes in the dataset (column region):

  • N: Main clause subject (in object-modifications only)

  • V: Main clause verb (in object-modifications only)

  • Det+CL: Determiner+classifier

  • Adv: Adverb

  • VN: RC-verb+RC-object (subject relatives) or RC-subject+RC-verb (object relatives)

    • Note: These two words were merged into one region after the experiment; they were presented as separate regions during the experiment.

  • FreqP: Frequency phrase/durational phrase

  • DE: Relativizer "de"

  • head: Relative clause head noun

  • hd1: First word after the head noun

  • hd2: Second word after the head noun

  • hd3: Third word after the head noun

  • hd4: Fourth word after the head noun (only in subject-modifications)

  • hd5: Fifth word after the head noun (only in subject-modifications)

Notes on reading times (column rt):

  • The reading time of the relative clause region (e.g., "V-N" or "N-V") was computed by summing up the reading times of the relative clause verb and noun.

  • The verb and noun were presented as two separate regions during the experiment.


Jäger, L., Chen, Z., Li, Q., Lin, C.-J. C., & Vasishth, S. (2015). The subject-relative advantage in Chinese: Evidence for expectation-based processing. Journal of Memory and Language, 79–80, 97-120. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2014.10.005


  • Factor I: Modification type (subject modification; object modification)

  • Factor II: Relative clause type (subject relative; object relative)

Condition labels:

  • a) subject modification; subject relative

  • b) subject modification; object relative

  • c) object modification; subject relative

  • d) object modification; object relative

See also

Other datasets: df_sent


# Basic exploration
#> # A tidytable: 6 × 14
#>   subject  item cond  word   wordn    rt region question accuracy correct_answer
#>   <chr>   <int> <chr> <chr>  <int> <int> <fct>  <chr>       <int>          <int>
#> 1 1m1         1 a     那個       1   360 Det+CL 那個顧客聽說過…        1              1
#> 2 1m1         1 a     昨晚       2   359 Adv    那個顧客聽說過…        1              1
#> 3 1m1         1 a     揍了服務生…     3   344 VN     那個顧客聽說過…        1              1
#> 4 1m1         1 a     一頓       4   313 FreqP  那個顧客聽說過…        1              1
#> 5 1m1         1 a     的         5   297 DE     那個顧客聽說過…        1              1
#> 6 1m1         1 a     顧客       6   312 head   那個顧客聽說過…        1              1
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: question_type <int>, experiment <chr>, list <int>,
#> #   sentence <chr>

# Summarize reaction times by region
#> Attaching package: ‘tidytable’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     dt, filter, lag
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     %in%
df_jaeger14 |>
  group_by(region) |>
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(rt, na.rm = TRUE))
#> # A tidytable: 13 × 2
#>    region mean_rt
#>    <fct>    <dbl>
#>  1 N         614.
#>  2 V         538.
#>  3 Det+CL    513.
#>  4 Adv       541.
#>  5 VN        618.
#>  6 FreqP     603.
#>  7 DE        439.
#>  8 head      653.
#>  9 hd1       604.
#> 10 hd2       538.
#> 11 hd3       704.
#> 12 hd4       479.
#> 13 hd5       865.