Some of the endpoints now return HATEOAS style links to get more data. E.g., the inventors endpoint may return a link such as: ""
retrieve_linked_data(url, api_key = Sys.getenv("PATENTSVIEW_API_KEY"), ...)
A list with the following three elements:
- data
A list with one element - a named data frame containing the data returned by the server. Each row in the data frame corresponds to a single value for the primary entity. For example, if you search the assignees endpoint, then the data frame will be on the assignee-level, where each row corresponds to a single assignee. Fields that are not on the assignee-level would be returned in list columns.
- query_results
Entity counts across all pages of output (not just the page returned to you).
- request
Details of the HTTP request that was sent to the server. When you set
all_pages = TRUE
, you will only get a sample request. In other words, you will not be given multiple requests for the multiple calls that were made to the server (one for each page of results).