Flickr in research
Nathan Fox
Flickr papers
To understand how Flickr is currently being use in scientific research we investigated the discipline and scope of articles with the keyword flickr
in the PLoS journals.
plos <- rplos::searchplos(q='flickr',
fl=c('id','publication_date','subject', 'subject_level_1'),
limit = 200)$data %>%
mutate(keywords = map_chr(subject, get_kw),
subjects = subject_level_1)
There are a total of 200 papers with the keyword flickr
in the PLoS journals.
Subject frequency
To understand which disciplines of science are using Flickr we calculated the frequency of papers in each research field:
## # A tibble: 12 × 2
## . n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 Biology and life sciences 122
## 2 Computer and information sciences 66
## 3 Earth sciences 34
## 4 Ecology and environmental sciences 31
## 5 Engineering and technology 30
## 6 Medicine and health sciences 119
## 7 NA 1
## 8 People and places 48
## 9 Physical sciences 42
## 10 Research and analysis methods 92
## 11 Science policy 33
## 12 Social sciences 114
Keyword Wordcloud
To understand what topics are covered by Flickr researches we found the frequency of other keywords attributed to Flickr papers:
kws <- plos %>% pull(keywords) %>% paste(collapse = ",") %>% str_split(",") %>% table %>% as.data.frame
wordcloud(words = kws$., freq = kws$Freq, min.freq = 1,
max.words=200, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35,
colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))