Downloads images based on their Flickr ID. Uses the API method from the Flickr API to test whether you have permission to download an image. See for more information on the API method. If permission is available the image is downloaded and saved as a .jpeg in a given save directory.
save_dir = NULL,
max_image_height = NULL,
max_image_width = NULL,
overwrite_file = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE
- photo_id
numeric or character vector. id of photo to download, can be single id, list or column for photo_search outputs
- save_dir
character. name of directory for photos to be saved in.
- max_image_height
numeric. maximum number of pixels for images height
- max_image_width
numeric. maximum number of pixels for images width
- overwrite_file
logical. Whether to overwritten existing files. if TRUE, files will be overwritten and you will be warned in the output. Default is FALSE.
- quiet
logical. If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar.
character. A vector of the images attempted to be downloaded and
whether they were. If an image was not downloaded, information on why is
provided. Images will be saved to save_dir
Please be aware that download times will vary depending on number of photographs, size of photographs, internet speed and other factors. Downloading a large amount of photographs may take some time.
When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.
See also
Other Get data for known photograph: