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Imports an image file (in JPEG or TIFF format) into an array, and converts the original R, G and B values in the file into proportions (r, g and b variables).





A character string containing the name of the image file.


Returns an array of dimensions r x c x 3 and class transformed_image, being r and c the number of rows and columns in the image. The last dimension corresponds to the R, G and B variables (= bands) that define the colours of the pixels. The values in the array are the proportions of each colour (r, g, b), i.e. r = R / (R + G + B), and so on.


This function calls the functions readJPEG() and readTIFF() in packages jpeg and tiff to import the data into an R array. Then it transforms the data into proportions

See also

For more information about jpeg and tiff file formats, see the help pages of readJPEG and readTIFF functions in packages jpeg and tiff, respectively.


# An example that loads the example file included in the package
ivy_oak_rgb <- read_image(system.file("extdata", "IvyOak400x300.JPG", 
                                       package = "pixelclasser"))