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The embeddings are currently retrieved from a local 'ollama' server running Jina AI embeddings.


pkgmatch_embeddings_from_pkgs(packages = NULL, functions_only = FALSE)



A vector of local paths to directories containing R packages.


If TRUE, calculate embeddings for function descriptions only. This is intended to generate a separate set of embeddings which can then be used to match plain-text queries of functions, rather than entire packages.


If !functions_only, a list of two matrices of embeddings: one for the text descriptions of the specified packages, including individual descriptions of all package functions, and one for the entire code base. For functions_only, a single matrix of embeddings for all function descriptions.

See also

Other embeddings: pkgmatch_embeddings_from_text()


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
packages <- c ("cli", "fs")
emb_fns <- pkgmatch_embeddings_from_pkgs (packages, functions_only = TRUE)
colnames (emb_fns) # All functions of the two packages
emb_pkg <- pkgmatch_embeddings_from_pkgs (packages, functions_only = FALSE)
names (emb_pkg) # text_with_fns, text_wo_fns, code
colnames (emb_pkg$text_with_fns) # cli, fs
} # }