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Load embeddings generated by the pkgmatch_embeddings_from_pkgs function, either for all rOpenSci packages or, if fns = TRUE, all individual functions within those packages.


  what = "embeddings",
  corpus = "ropensci",
  fns = FALSE,
  raw = FALSE



One of:

  • "embeddings" to load pre-generated embeddings;

  • "idfs" to load pre-generated Inverse Document Frequency weightings;

  • "functions" to load pre-generated frequency tables for text descriptions of function calls; or

  • "calls" to load pre-generated frequency tables for actual function calls.


If embeddings or idfs parameters are not specified, they are automatically downloaded for the corpus specified by this parameter. Must be one of "ropensci" or "cran". The function will then return the most similar package from the specified corpus.


If FALSE (default), load embeddings for all rOpenSci packages; otherwise load (considerably larger dataset of) embeddings for all individual functions.


Only has effect of what = "calls", in which case default of FALSE loads single Inverse Document Frequency table to entire corpus; otherwise if TRUE, loads raw function call counts for each package in corpus.


The loaded data.frame.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
embeddings <- pkgmatch_load_data ("embeddings")
embeddings_fns <- pkgmatch_load_data ("embeddings", fns = TRUE)
idfs <- pkgmatch_load_data ("idfs")
idfs_fns <- pkgmatch_load_data ("idfs", fns = TRUE)
} # }