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Converts data from plater format to a data frame with one well per row and merges it into an existing data frame by well name.


add_plate(data, file, well_ids_column, sep = ",")



The data frame to merge the file into. Must contain a column with well names.


The path of a .csv file formatted as described in read_plate.


The name of the column in data containing the well IDs.


The character used to separate columns in the file (e.g. "," or ";") Defaults to ",".


Returns data as a tibble with as many new columns as plates in file. Empty wells are indicated with NA.


If data contains more wells than in file, NA will be added to the merged column(s) for those wells. If the file contains more wells than data, those wells will be added to the bottom of the result with NA for the columns in data.


# Part of the data is tidy
file <- system.file("extdata", "example-2-part-A.csv", package = "plater")
data <- read.csv(file)

# Part of the data is plate-shaped
plate_shaped <- system.file("extdata", "example-2-part-B.csv", package = "plater")

# Combine the two
data <- add_plate(
   data = data, 
   file = plate_shaped,
   well_ids_column = "Wells")

# Now data are tidy
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   Wells Killing Drug  Concentration Bacteria
#>   <chr>   <dbl> <chr>         <dbl> <chr>   
#> 1 A01        98 A           100     E. coli 
#> 2 A02        95 A            20     E. coli 
#> 3 A03        92 A             4     E. coli 
#> 4 A04        41 A             0.8   E. coli 
#> 5 A05        17 A             0.16  E. coli 
#> 6 A06         2 A             0.032 E. coli