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A wrapper around read_plate that handles multiple plates and combines them all into a single data frame.


read_plates(files, plate_names = NULL, well_ids_column = "Wells", sep = ",")



A character vector with the paths of one or more plater-formatted .csv files.


A character vector the same length as files with the names to give the individual plates in the resulting data frame. Defaults to the file names (stripped of path and .csv).


The name to give the column that will contain the well identifiers. Default "Wells".


The character used to separate columns in the file (e.g. "," or ";"). Defaults to ",".


Returns a data frame like that returned by read_plate, containing the data from all of the plates. The plates will be identified with a column called "Plate" containing the names given in plate_names.


# Combine multiple files into one tidy data frame
file1 <- system.file("extdata", "example-1.csv", package = "plater")
file2 <- system.file("extdata", "more-bacteria.csv", package = "plater")

# Data are stored in plate-shaped form
data <- read_plates(
   files = c(file1, file2),
   plate_names = c("Experiment 1", "Experiment 2"),
   well_ids_column = "Wells")

# Data from both plates are tidy and in the same data frame
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   Plate        Wells Drug  Concentration Bacteria Killing
#>   <chr>        <chr> <chr>         <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>
#> 1 Experiment 1 A01   A           100     E. coli       98
#> 2 Experiment 1 A02   A            20     E. coli       95
#> 3 Experiment 1 A03   A             4     E. coli       92
#> 4 Experiment 1 A04   A             0.8   E. coli       41
#> 5 Experiment 1 A05   A             0.16  E. coli       17
#> 6 Experiment 1 A06   A             0.032 E. coli        2