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Displays the data in the form of a microtiter plate.


view_plate(data, well_ids_column, columns_to_display, plate_size = 96)



A data frame containing the data


The name of the column in data containing the well IDs.


A vector of the names of one or more columns you'd like to display.


The number of wells in the plate. Must be 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 384, or 1536. Default 96.


A depiction of the data in columns_to_display as though laid out on a microtiter plate with plate_size wells.


# Generate some tidy data
data <- data.frame(Wells = paste0(LETTERS[1:3], 0, rep(1:4, each = 3)), 
Species = rep(c("Alien", "Human", "Cat"), 4), 
OxygenProduction = round(rnorm(12), 3))
#>   Wells Species OxygenProduction
#> 1   A01   Alien           -1.400
#> 2   B01   Human            0.255
#> 3   C01     Cat           -2.437
#> 4   A02   Alien           -0.006
#> 5   B02   Human            0.622
#> 6   C02     Cat            1.148

# See which wells had cells from which species and the amount of oxygen 
# produced for each well
view_plate(data, "Wells", c("Species", "OxygenProduction"), 12)
#> $Species
#>       1     2     3     4
#> A Alien Alien Alien Alien
#> B Human Human Human Human
#> C   Cat   Cat   Cat   Cat
#> $OxygenProduction
#>        1      2      3      4
#> A   -1.4 -0.006 -1.822 -0.283
#> B  0.255  0.622 -0.247 -0.554
#> C -2.437  1.148 -0.244  0.629