Add the rows needed to complete a regular QuadKey polygon grid derived from the bounding box of the quadkey
column of a data.frame.
Source: R/regular_grid.R
This function estimates the bounding box of the quadkeys given in the quadkey column and adds rows to complete the quadkeys and the geometry needed to create a regular grid. All other columns for the introduced QuadKeys will be filled with NAs.
For a detailed explanation on how to use this
and other similar quadkeyr
read the the vignette:
A list with three elements:
POLYGON data.frame with all the QuadKeys within the bounding box of the ones provided in thequadkey
column of the input dataset, and the rest of the original variables. The columnsquadkey
are returned for all the grid, The values of the newly added QuadKeys will be NA for the rest of the variables.num_rows
The number of columns of the regular grid.num_cols
The number of rows of the regular grid.
# \donttest{
# Read the file with the data
path <- paste0(
system.file("extdata", package = "quadkeyr"),
data <- read.csv(path)
data <- format_fb_data(data)
add_regular_polygon_grid(data = data)
#> $data
#> Simple feature collection with 396 features and 9 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -58.60107 ymin: -34.60156 xmax: -58.5022 ymax: -34.50203
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 396 × 10
#> quadkey X date_time n_crisis percent_change day hour tileX tileY
#> * <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2103213… 150 2020-04-… NA 2.29 2020-04-15 NA 22112 39481
#> 2 2103213… 149 2020-04-… 212. 0.848 2020-04-15 NA 22114 39472
#> 3 2103213… 148 2020-04-… NA 28.4 2020-04-15 NA 22109 39488
#> 4 2103213… 147 2020-04-… 179. 3.75 2020-04-15 NA 22102 39467
#> 5 2103213… 146 2020-04-… 20.3 2.81 2020-04-15 NA 22106 39487
#> 6 2103213… 145 2020-04-… NA -12.8 2020-04-15 NA 22108 39468
#> 7 2103213… 144 2020-04-… 127. -5.37 2020-04-15 NA 22108 39470
#> 8 2103213… 143 2020-04-… NA 6.60 2020-04-15 NA 22116 39482
#> 9 2103213… 142 2020-04-… NA 3.16 2020-04-15 NA 22116 39485
#> 10 2103213… 141 2020-04-… NA -2.84 2020-04-15 NA 22108 39480
#> # ℹ 386 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: geometry <POLYGON [°]>
#> $num_cols
#> [1] 18
#> $num_rows
#> [1] 22
# }